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Issue with Pre-Order Pack Cosmetics



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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Still too much ambiguity in the skins in my opinion. Not sure what the buildings replace or even if I can use my current skins on the same freehold right now. Mount skins are nice but I doubt I'll even get a flying mount so my purchases of flying mounts is pure vanity. The onesies i used to buy if i loved them but then my Py-Rai changed and it means my cosmetics aren't viable in the form first envisioned. I do often buy the 5 dollar accessories because they can be mixed and matched, but, once you've got a slot covered by a 5 dollar cosmetic its a rare occasion one wants to replace the current accessories.

    For the purest vanity possible I bought The A1 Adventurer Pack simply for the forum tag lol.
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    daveywavey wrote: »
    Can I just ask why you've already decided that you want to buy the following month's cosmetics, when we haven't even seen them yet?

    I like collecting. I've since decided only to purchase the pre-order pack though, and if there's any cosmetics that come out after that I really like I'll consider.
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    BaSkA13 wrote: »
    In my opinion, the way their cosmetics pricing works is awful, not to mention the FOMO.

    I honestly do not understand why it's not possible to buy only some of the monthly cosmetics, only the Alpha 2 access or everything together. IMO they'd make more money if people were able to buy every month's mount separately for $20 (example) instead of forcing you to spend $150 every month if you want every mount.

    But, oh well, it's their loss, I'm spending $30+ monthly on Steam skins instead, which I can already use and try to make a profit.

    You can purchase the pieces separately, you just need to buy the pre-order pack first, and I believe the pricing for the pre-order pack makes sense. With so many people interested in the game, you wouldn't want alpha-2 keys to be so accessible. My qualm was with the price point of the cosmetics after you purchase the pre-order pack.
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    Dygz wrote: »
    Haha, well...
    I kinda like that the actual price-point has me not trying to buy cosmetics every month.
    That actually makes the cosmetics more rare since it's not everyone buying every cosmetic every month.

    Do you truly want the world inundated with the slaughtered carcasses of Stuffertons day after day?

    You and a few others make some good points.

    I believe my original stance has changed, it makes sense to have the cosmetics less accessible. In truth I don't believe I'd want to see a large amount of people sporting the cosmetics.

    I'll likely purchase the pre-order pack since I intend to play in alpha-2, and if any cosmetics pop up that I really like I'll consider grabbing.
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    Judeth wrote: »
    You and a few others make some good points.

    I believe my original stance has changed, it makes sense to have the cosmetics less accessible. In truth I don't believe I'd want to see a large amount of people sporting the cosmetics.

    I’m entirely baffled by how rational and contrite you’re approaching this topic.

    This is not how these threads go - where’s the blood and spittle?


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    CROW3 wrote: »
    Judeth wrote: »
    You and a few others make some good points.

    I believe my original stance has changed, it makes sense to have the cosmetics less accessible. In truth I don't believe I'd want to see a large amount of people sporting the cosmetics.

    I’m entirely baffled by how rational and contrite you’re approaching this topic.

    This is not how these threads go - where’s the blood and spittle?


    Somebody call Satan and tell him to be careful not to have his scar buried in all that snow
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    VirtekVirtek Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I'll start off by agreeing that the size of the pre-order pack shouldn't bar you from purchasing any cosmetic items in the future. I can see the argument there, though I don't feel strongly about it either way. If you buy the $75 Wayfarer pack, I can see justification that you should be able to buy any individual cosmetics in the future, sure.
    Jahlon of Paradox Gaming Network has already built out some charts that show Intrepid could make more money if they didn't pay wall the monthly cosmetics anyway, but I figure it's up to Intrepid to decide what's best for them. I might fear the firestorm that would hit social media if they opened it up like that now, after so much time has passed. They would almost *have* to open up the option to buy some past cosmetics, and that would bring another rain of fire and brimstone. Those reasons alone might be the deciding factor.

    Outside of that though, I'm not sure if you have a solid grasp on what "supporting a product in development" means. You are *ALWAYS* tossing money at something that might potentially never exist. Every. Single. Time. Prices don't even need to be reasonable in that case, it's just easier to swallow when they are.

    Also, I'm not sure you've read all of the perks of that Voyager Pack. Eliminating all of the "pay to test their game" stuff, you are still left with (pasted directly from the pack info page):
    "9 months of game time ($135 value)
    $125 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
    Field Marshal’s Command (Accessory Cosmetic Skin)
    The Phantom of Bratta (Pet Cosmetic Skin)
    Imperial Destrier (Mount Cosmetic Skin)
    7th Lancer (Costume Cosmetic Skin)
    Horn Division Supply Wagon (Caravan OR Naval Cosmetic Skin)
    Sentinel of the Empire (Freehold Building Cosmetic Skin)
    Name Reservation"

    This gives you $260 in money back for use later, in pre-paid game time and in-game cosmetic marketplace. The in-game marketplace will allow you to buy whatever skins you want.
    Tallying up the cosmetics bring it up to another what....$125?
    So that means the $375 support pack would actually cost $385 if you bought it all a-la-carte. Then you still have the Alpha 2 and Beta 1 and Beta 2 access on top of it. OH! And name reservation ahead of everyone with a lower pack or at launch.

    The "pay to test their game" statement is kinda wishy-washy, tbh. You are paying to support the game. As a result, they are giving you as much as they can while still maintaining a profit overhead that allows them to pay for stuff besides what they give you as a perk. Like....exclusive access to an unreleased game. It's not posted up on Steam as an "Early Access" game or anything. It's either a perk for supporting or you won a key during a rare and limited key giveaway.

    Additionally, the term "already fully funded" is not equal to "already funded to release with as much speed and quality as possible." Adding more money to the pile means hiring more experienced and quality people (which deservedly obtain higher pay) to get the job done quicker, with more thorough optimization, more polish, and just higher over-all quality and satisfaction.
    You could get a Kia at one price and time of manufacture. Or you could dump more money in and get a Lexus in 3/4 the time. The difference is in the monetary support given along the way.

    There's a lot more to think about if you look at it more deeply.
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    CROW3 wrote: »
    Judeth wrote: »
    You and a few others make some good points.

    I believe my original stance has changed, it makes sense to have the cosmetics less accessible. In truth I don't believe I'd want to see a large amount of people sporting the cosmetics.

    I’m entirely baffled by how rational and contrite you’re approaching this topic.

    This is not how these threads go - where’s the blood and spittle?


    Sorry to disappoint haha

    On a real note though, I think that should be the whole point of these forum discussions. To talk about the game and discuss different ideas/views, to hopefully come to a consensus. Unfortunately most people take disagreement personally. Nowadays, the unnecessary stress isn't good for my skin, and healthy debate is much more enjoyable, even if on a topic where I'm more unvarying.
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 2022
    Neurath wrote: »
    Still too much ambiguity in the skins in my opinion. Not sure what the buildings replace or even if I can use my current skins on the same freehold right now. Mount skins are nice but I doubt I'll even get a flying mount so my purchases of flying mounts is pure vanity. The onesies i used to buy if i loved them but then my Py-Rai changed and it means my cosmetics aren't viable in the form first envisioned. I do often buy the 5 dollar accessories because they can be mixed and matched, but, once you've got a slot covered by a 5 dollar cosmetic its a rare occasion one wants to replace the current accessories.

    For the purest vanity possible I bought The A1 Adventurer Pack simply for the forum tag lol.
    Freeholds have multiple building types.
    You might not be able to have two temples on your Freehold, but you could have a temple and a tavern on your yes you could use multiple skins on one Freehold if you have multiple skin types.
    Don't expect to be able to use a temple skin on a tavern building.

    The mounts in the cosmetic shop are for gliding mounts; not flying mounts...AFAIK.

    Py'Rai changes so you now plan to not have a Py'Rai character?
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    No point complaining about cosmetics in mmorpgs - you are 10+ years too late.

    I do like the fact that they are models/themes and locals in the game though.
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    BaltanBaltan Member
    edited August 2022
    I bought the voyager pack because I really want to test and it has a lot of game time and money (cosmetics are a plus!) All I can say is if you're not comfortable than don't buy it, I waited over a year before I took the plunge because it's.a lot of money and I wanted to be comfortable with my choice. I don't feel taken advantage of and I don't have rose tinted glasses on. There's been so much progress and transparency, I can totally understand the hesitancy to go higher though.

    Side note, it's disturbing to see blatant classist behaviors/attitude just 100% ignored, I work for a nonprofit and see every variety of person and/or family at some point or other, what you can or cannot pay doesn't mean much unless you're narrow-minded😮‍💨
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