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What race will U play


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    edited August 2022
    Empyrean... The superior race. Duh! ;)
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    Dunir. I have the masculine urge to build siege engines and drink excessively.

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    Whichever race has the best racial for my class/profession.
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
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    BaSkA13 wrote: »
    Whichever race has the best racial for my class/profession.

    Yup lol
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    So far…

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    Maybe Nikua if they have racial perks for ships.

    Honestly, probably anything except Tulnar.
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    Witchh wrote: »

    All of them! Except those dirty dwarves.
    This link may help you:
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I'll be playing empyrean but I intend to upgrade my pledge at some point for the LOM racial skins.

    So I'll be a demon.

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    mobtekmobtek Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Ren'kai &

    in that order :)
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    AmistAmist Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I'll probably aim to have a variety of alts but these are the ones I currently have in mind:

    1. Empyrean (Main)
    2. Ren'kai
    3. Vaelune
    4. Tulnar
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    Kaelar primarily, maybe I will have a Vek or Tulnar character as my alt, but my main will definitely be Kaelar, without question.

    "Change is the only constant"
    Η αλλαγή είναι η μόνη σταθερά.
    — Herodotus
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    ChimeChime Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    1. Py'Rai
    2. Empyrean
    3. Vaelune
    4. Vek
    "Bravery only means something to those who are afraid of death."
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    Kaelar, male. Just like in every MMO.
    The Ren'Kai sounds cool, so I will probably make an alt with that race.
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    The shortest one. Playing a short race makes you feel like you're running faster, and is always the most fun. The only time I'd play something else would be if a race was actually faster, then I'd play that one.
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    Main Py'rai ,
    Alt Tulnar
    Alt 2 Vek
    The Wolves of Verra
    are recruiting:
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    Kaelar because I have a bunch of cosmetics that somehow suit the Kaelar ambiance the most.
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    Whatever race perks best fits my character build.
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    GalvyrGalvyr Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
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    Oddly enough Dunir Dwarves came second, wasn't expecting that. Maybe we can reunite the Karaz Ankor?
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    Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited November 2022
    Empyrean, since they look so good

    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
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    Stand out to me the most. I can’t wait to get my hands on that character creator since I’ll probably create a character for all three and then choose one based on how they came out.
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    Female Dunir and wage rasist war against the leaflovers.
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    It depends on Buffs too but Pyrai, Kaelar or Empyrean
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    Dolyem wrote: »
    Honestly, probably anything except Tulnar.

    Why mate?
    The Past determines your decisions in the Present & the Present determines your decisions in the Future.The Future is obsolete until it becomes the Present - The Endless Spiral
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    Man I tried to deside but they're all so good. :confused:
    I'd go something like this
    1.Dünir or Ren'Kai
    2.Tulnar or Py'Rai
    3.Kaelar or Vaelune

    The racial perks will influence my decision
    The Past determines your decisions in the Present & the Present determines your decisions in the Future.The Future is obsolete until it becomes the Present - The Endless Spiral
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    So far I'm leaning for...
    1. Vaelune
    2. Niküa
    3. Tulnar
    4. Vek

    But Py'Rai and Ren'Kai are also appealing. Might have to throw a d4 or d6 to "decide".
    Be bold. Be brave. Roll a Tulnar !
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    Happymeal2415Happymeal2415 Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    1) py'rai
    2) tulnar
    3) vek
    Final choice will probably depend slightly on class n stuff
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    kaelar or empyrean

    the whole tulnar race must be purged
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    tell me why is elf the only right answer without telling me elf is the only right answer
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