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I really hope there is gear that looks like this I can use as transmog for my Archmage

HerodotusHerodotus Member
edited August 2022 in General Discussion

I plan to main an archmage scribe and I really like the tattered brown robes/hermit look. Mostly because I tend to be a loner myself (deliberately) and enjoy a large degree of solitude, also I like to read quite a bit more than the average person. I can see myself wearing these types of clothes in medieval times as it is very low maintenance and would love something similar in-game. Though, the hood has to be larger than in this picture, I more imagine a hood as wide as Obi-Wan's in Star Wars, but with this aesthetic.

"Change is the only constant"
Η αλλαγή είναι η μόνη σταθερά.
— Herodotus


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