Non PvP Buff for Starter and after Raids, Sieges and other PvP Encounters except Caravans and Duels

AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
a while ago i opend a topic named: PVP in Ashes Opt in System to the planned Flagging

This topic and the idea behind it bacame obsolete due to the announcments in the August 2022 dev stream where the map enlargement from 480 km2 to now 1200 km2. It would lead to simply destroy the pvp in Ashes due to the map-enlargment allredy rare pvp encounter in the open world.

For this Idea i say, many will disagree with it, but that's ok since i want to reach out to the devs with it.

The Start of every MMO-RPG is the most important time for every new player. Within these first steps, a player takes in a new game determine if he will stay or quit. We know Ashes will be a PVX game in the majority of its world.

Since the early expirience matters a lot to new ones and from the Lore of Verra that we as players did enter the world of Verra over a Portal.

The Portal gives us a Buff for a short time that Protects us from getting damaged from other Players. This Buff is a remain from the Portal itself and vanishes as soon we reached level 10. With the buff we are protected from reciving dmg however if we start dealing dmg to other players or participate in PvP activitys the Buff vanishes forever. even if we are not yet level 10.

If we finish a PVP activity like a Raid or Siege we do recive a simular Buff however this one only last a few minutes befor it vanishes and follows the same rules, that if we attack another player or support an other player in PVP we lose it instandly.

thanks for your time devs to read it
now then let the rain of disagreement fall on me :)



  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited August 2022
    Right.. so if I want to claim a room in some ruins, get all the mobs for myself as they respawn, you can come in, I cannot PK you, and you get to leach off me and ruin my xp. Nope.

    There are protections for low lv players from higher lv players in the corruption system. I dont like your idea. Some of the best pvp for people has been when you are naked, holding a wooden club. The bliss of launch is all about going wild, before you set any goals that you need to work towards. Give it up with this NEED to be left alone. This game is open world pvp, even for the first 10 lvs.
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Someone will find a way to exploit "You can have a lv9 alt that can't be PvPd ever." Carrying materials, perhaps?

    I could see the "5 minutes after a siege" I guess, to give people time to disperse a little. I'm not sure how useful it'll be since people will just follow you, and it can't be longer for similar reasons.

    But if you're looking for "people to have the initial experience that represents the game", getting PvP'd at spawn, then someone bounty-hunting your Red is a pretty solid intro to "what Ashes is".

    If they do decide to go with this though, it's probably okay to give a time limited immunity. 20-30m to get to whatever node, but a long (or unlimited if you don't level up) immunity isn't going to work.
  • Please take a seat. No buffs for pvp or pve. Neither needs a Stat advantage over the other.
  • i dont see any reason for this at all.
    Its neither practical, nor intuitive nor do i see any reason why youd expect a buff like that after certain activities in the first place.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Round 2? The first anti-PvX thread never had any legs. The idea was against the basic game design and nothing changed since then.

    After a siege is over:

    Following a node siege, static housing will be scaled back or destroyed based on the advancement of the node.[105]

    If the housing was purchased at a higher advancement than the node currently is then it will be destroyed, otherwise the housing will be scaled back.

    Impact on apartments

    Apartments may be destroyed in the following circumstances:[105]

    If their building was destroyed during a node siege, even if the siege was not successful.[105]
    If a mayor built extra apartment buildings at Town (stage 4) or higher and the Node deleveled below that stage.[105]
    If the mayor decides to destroy apartment buildings all items and layouts will be mailed to the owner.[108]

    Impact on freeholds

    Freeholds may be attacked by any player[109] for a period of two hours[2] following a successful siege against its parent node.[110]

    Players and their allies may defend their freehold for this period of time.[110]
    Structures and guards may be obtained to defend freeholds during this period.[110]

    After the two hour period of open combat following a successful node siege, any remaining freeholds will exist under a grace period for roughly 1 week where another node may take over the zone of influence of the freehold.[109][2]

    The freehold owner will be required to undertake a quest process to have their freehold adopted by a new node if one exists.[109]
    At the end of the grace period, if the freehold does not reside within the ZOI of a stage three (Village) node or above, it will be destroyed.[111]
    Players who are registered as a defenders of their node cannot loot their own destroyed freeholds.[112]

    If a siege is successful, then the Node is brought down to Level 0, and anyone who was a citizen of that Node is no longer a citizen. Freeholds within the Zone of Influence are subject to a period of vulnerability. These Freeholds can be destroyed by other players during a period of roughly 2 hours after a successful siege. Destroyed Freeholds are subject to material loss, and blueprints for them are mailed to the player to utilize for future placement in order to allow the player to keep their Freehold’s layout and structure. Once the vulnerability period is complete, any remaining Freeholds will exist under a grace period for roughly 1 week where another Node may take over the Zone of Influence of the Freehold.[2] – Margaret Krohn
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • SongRune wrote: »
    I could see the "5 minutes after a siege" I guess, to give people time to disperse a little. I'm not sure how useful it'll be since people will just follow you, and it can't be longer for similar reasons.

    Why would anyone want to go red there in the first place? With 100s of other players around to kill you 5 seconds after for a chance to drop your gear?

    If you ever wanted to go red, then during a time where few to nobody is closeby, not when hundreds of others are around you to pick you off right after.
  • WarthWarth Member
    edited August 2022
  • AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    SongRune wrote: »
    Someone will find a way to exploit "You can have a lv9 alt that can't be PvPd ever." Carrying materials, perhaps?

    good point also adding a time for it as well 1 week reallife time that should be more than enouth time to reach lvl 10 and if you dont well no more buff for you
  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Warth wrote: »
    SongRune wrote: »
    I could see the "5 minutes after a siege" I guess, to give people time to disperse a little. I'm not sure how useful it'll be since people will just follow you, and it can't be longer for similar reasons.

    Why would anyone want to go red there in the first place? With 100s of other players around to kill you 5 seconds after for a chance to drop your gear?

    If you ever wanted to go red, then during a time where few to nobody is close by, not when hundreds of others are around you to pick you off right after.

    Watch some mass L2 pvp fights of 100+ vs 100+ open world fights, there are plenty of players that were prepared to put their gear on the line for the fight both sides.. taking that risk brought a closeness in own guild and a serious impact if one did not have the wealth to compensate the loss. Going red was sometimes part of the pvp strategy.. as a player prepared to go red and inflict higher xp loss on a player was quite feared
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Seems like I saw this happen several times in Alpha 1 - right after sieges ended.
  • AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2022
    Warth wrote: »
    i dont see any reason for this at all.
    Its neither practical, nor intuitive nor do i see any reason why youd expect a buff like that after certain activities in the first place.

    for the lowlevel i see that it could get messy at release or later serveropenings or discounts to repopulate the game if needed. and what are those first 10 lvls that get you in the game where you may need some additional time for reading or sorting skills reading scripts or so. i mean you have the intirety of all whats comes after level 9 to go for. and since you can attack but loose the buff it doesnt fore you into pve if you waant you still can do pvp with all those that want to pvp right from the start.

    for the other if a siege happens and the node gets destroyed the winners can loot but can they keep it after spending so much time fighting prepairing and else so just to finaly get the reward only to be killd right after it or fighting over the loot itself. for organized events where groupes and stuff needs to be organized there it simply does blacklist you for any upcoming groupes for those peoples. however siges are mostly attempted by masses and you never ever will be able to fully know and trust all the 500 players in your team.

    after all the stress of prepairing and siegeing some might need a break also after the siege

    it dosnt however need to be a buff itself it also could be simply a zoneing thing for a limited time so that the space where you get ported out is non pvp for a short time. i guess everyone would hate to be attacked while the game itself shows you a loading screen. which can have many resons to be there doesnt need to be the pc hardware that causes to wait.

    happy posting, i did tell the devs with the topic, so my goal is achived
  • Asraiel wrote: »
    SongRune wrote: »
    Someone will find a way to exploit "You can have a lv9 alt that can't be PvPd ever." Carrying materials, perhaps?

    good point also adding a time for it as well 1 week reallife time that should be more than enouth time to reach lvl 10 and if you dont well no more buff for you

    So they exploit it for 6 days then create a new character to do it for 6 more days.
  • AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    account you may report them and carry much i mean the inventory grows with the level a maxed can transport way more than a 9er. and no chance to participate in a carravan cause its a pvp event.

    you can also change to not time but beeing registred to a town of have access to an appartment getting mats to many matts itemslots filled. but i mean alts will even without beeing used as safety storrages. and do you realy wanna exploid something that may risk your account of getting banned. i dont know.
  • No way, this will be heavily abused.
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2022
    Warth wrote: »
    SongRune wrote: »
    I could see the "5 minutes after a siege" I guess, to give people time to disperse a little. I'm not sure how useful it'll be since people will just follow you, and it can't be longer for similar reasons.

    Why would anyone want to go red there in the first place? With 100s of other players around to kill you 5 seconds after for a chance to drop your gear?

    If you ever wanted to go red, then during a time where few to nobody is closeby, not when hundreds of others are around you to pick you off right after.

    Hey, it's not me asking for it. And now that I've read the quotes about the looting free-for-all, I can't even support 5 minutes, cause it'd mess with that.
    Asraiel wrote: »
    SongRune wrote: »
    Someone will find a way to exploit "You can have a lv9 alt that can't be PvPd ever." Carrying materials, perhaps?

    good point also adding a time for it as well 1 week reallife time that should be more than enouth time to reach lvl 10 and if you dont well no more buff for you

    That's absolutely long enough to be abused, and not even a little bit. Once you get past an 20-30 minutes, things are already iffy. And that's the problem. If you have time to get more than like one node from your starting point, someone's gonna manage to abuse it. For material transport between those first two nodes, if nothing else.

    And in the end, that's why the system is impractical. The shortest useful duration is far longer than the shortest abusable duration.

    But there's something even more insidious to this. It gives people a false experience that lies to players about what Ashes of Creation will be like. If there are going to be Reds running around ganking level 1 newbies, and they don't just immediately get stomped by bounty hunters, or just other normal folk in the area, that would then therefore be a very honest reflection of the game experience one should expect, and an artificial protection that isn't available later only tells new players the lie that AoC isn't full OWPvP by design.

    Is it a bad first experience? Probably, for the type of player who never wants to get ganked. And it should be. They need to know what AoC is, so they don't waste their time. But is it a bad first experience for the type of player who understands they're getting into a "no safe zones" world, where they will occasionally be ganked? Not as much. More of a 'lol'. They won't be deterred. But with the amount of corruption you get for killing a level one, there'll be BHs ready to keep you in check, if there are BHs at all.
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