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Alternative Caravan Options: The Gypsy Wagon

Broaden the scope of caravan gameplay mechanics:
Gypsy Wagons are caravans that function like a mobile freehold. These wagons can deploy a temporary campsite that contains 2 or 3 sharable stations for processing/crafting/cooking/storage etc... These stations are upgradeable, but will never be as productive as those found at a high-level node or freehold. This convenience comes with the drawback that the Gypsy Wagon is still a caravan and therefore suffers from the same drawbacks. Forcing players to choose the safer route of exploring the wilderness and then returning to a node to craft, or risking a larger haul which is more time efficient. Gypsy Wagons improve discovery, grinding professions, or roleplaying expeditions.

This whole idea is risk vs reward. It's not for everyone and may be more appealing to players with guilds that can support them or players which already have the main character and wish to quickly build up an alt account.

Hope this was a fun read.
More ideas coming soon. =)


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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
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    It needs a scrap collecting perk and the ability to steal stuff from freeholds and nodes you pass by.
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    Ironhope wrote: »
    It needs a scrap collecting perk and the ability to steal stuff from freeholds and nodes you pass by.

    LOL make the wagon a mobile black van and kidnap players XD. Put a sign on the side that says "free crafting".
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    For me a Gipsy Wagon would be a cool idea for a roaming NPC vendor.

    It lowers the risk of having to return to the node to sell or buy stuff, but it's also a risk as others could be following it to attack those that try to unload materials there.

    Also their routes would need to be somewhat random, and you'd need to study their behaviour to know where and when they're likely to be, for you to make the best use of their services.

    But as a Caravan PvP thing, maybe not so much.
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