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Feedback Dev Stream August 2022 by Asraiel

AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
edited August 2022 in General Discussion
The Stream was awesome, I especially liked the information about the growth of the Team and the Developmentprogress on the Data and Script side.

For the Environment the forests look great. In my opinion that density of trees is good for lighter forests but I also would like to see some forests with a greater tree density especially for forests with other tree types like Needlewoods.
What the forest floor did miss was some trunks and fallen trees it does look to clean also for a Leaftree forest the floor lacked fallen leafs:

here a few examples:
Fallen Trees
Needlewoods Tree density

Map expansion and lowering of Nodecount

Wow, really big news adding 720 km2 to the map. I do like the new map appearance. the 2 continents looking like a Dogdragon in the West fighting a Roosterbear in the East. here the outlines:

For the nodes itself I hope that one or 2 of them are like “Tenochtitlan” nodes inside lakes on islands. Here 2 possible spots for each continent:

Because there will also be an Underrealm I wonder if there will be nodes that Reach into it and also have a Houses or other assets in the Underrealm. Will the node give an access point to the underrealm if it Has Uderrealm beneth itself? From stage 3 or only after stage 5?

And the last Question here:
Where can I order one of those Caps?

I also Like the Dwarfen Maori look, great work! i wonder if the females share the same nose size or if they look mor like Moana.

Also the arabic Human apearens looking need. Sheerasade and a Faquir Looking forward to see some costumes for those 2 Races.

For the Mounts all that are looking great, maybe a 6 legged crab will make it in as well with 2 claws that moves slowly forword and on the sprint turns sideways maybe.

For the duck i wonder if this is a gender neutral aperance or if the 2 genders looking diffrent. Cause IRL males looking fancy while females ofthen looking neutral.

Regards and keep up the fantastic work


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    XiraelAcaronXiraelAcaron Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Regarding the forrests, I agree that there is some undergrowths missing as well as other stuff that drops from trees and etc. It would also be challenging to make it so dense that it really is kind of a maze and you really have to search and jave to take paths to places with an abundance of harvestables that you found.
    But while I like the lighter forrests, I would really like to see a really dark ones. Ones where the tree tops are so dense that its really dark even during midday. Where you come out of it and are blinded for minute there from normal sunlight.

    In general good update on the environment.
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    AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    For the forests ground i would also like to see some ferns as well maybe in some locations also small creks that are maybe only a few centimeters wide. On the Trees maybe some mushrooms.

    for other regions maybe some Pinewood forests like this:
    where the Trees growing in sandy dirt and where it has the ground covered in fallen needles and some pine conesnv6pks062b21.jpg

    i do like the desert island a lot only the one hovering plant that looks like a purple aloevera falls out of place

    what i wonder will in the world besides the nodes also be like npc houses or at crossroads like 3-5 npc houses with farms or will outside of nodes also npc farms start to form ether with houses and barns or only haveing fields where some ressources will start to grow that also may be gathereble by players but belonging to the node and nodestage. like that with stage 3-4 it has those fields however with stage 5-6 it will have smaller ranches outside of the city walls. primarly on flat grounds and in some nodes maybe some herbal gardens by craftsmen workshops or a bit separete from the other buildings. for mountain areas maybe a small ore cave or so where also the npcs farm but also player can get the one or other ore. kinda a showcase of what is the local specality of the node in terms of ressources.

    also the fottage shown is to me unclear if these trees are permanent ones or if every tree will be farmeble or only like in alpha 1 that only certain trees could be farmed. also the animation of the tree harvest. will it vanish and disapear as it falls like during alpha 1 or will it fall on the ground and then the player have to chop even more to get the wood out of the fallen stem? also will this process involve loud noises that may hall wthru the woods like when the tree falls or whenever the axe hit the wood? i would like it. same for mining ores that theres a metallic sound that halls in the mountains or thru caves. and that these sound may lead players to you or perhaps also have a effect on the agressionlevel of mobs in the area that with every falling tree or hitting noise the agrorange may expand a little or make them flee from the site depending on the mob.

    And im a bit sad the Minotaur looking insane i would like to play one of those, but sadly only npc. and the snake ones also looking sick (aldo seen some such mobs in other games allredy, if i remember corectly then you see them in Blade&Soul).

    also like the idea of wandering world bosses, do they pathfind around nodes or could it also happen that he moves into a node by chance? but i like the idea or the wandering i would also like to see that on mobs as well like bisons or so traveling in herds around in their biom. or other creatures that travels together maybe also depanding on season where bears are in winter more around their caves but during summer spreading out in the area. so it allso is challangeing for the players that may follow a quest to gather bear bacon which can only be gathered in winter seasons but then the bears groupe together in caves with makes battles more difficult that if you would battle one at a time in the open wild. but since only the bears in the winter have fat only then they may give you that bacon.

    the rootling is cute it have however the problem that the leave grafic is only applyed from the front and haveing the invisability from the back fixing that would make it more perfect. wonder what potions i can brew with it.

    the movments of the bug are amazing someone must have had several bugs on his desk this summer to get so detailed and realistic looking animations out but if every mob or boss getting that care for detail in movements it problably needs a army or programmers to do.

    well the underrealm will be in one of the upcomming dev streams but will the underrealm connect the continents under the sea or will it have several underralms where maybe one or another is connected to a island but that there is no conection between the continents so that if transporting goods (caravan) you have to go by ship?

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    AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    oh and last but not least
    for the studio Updates

    since the new studio should be finished by now casue several things where in the making september 2021 til end of the year and it was also mentioned that you will provide some footage from the new studio and workplace, chill zone and so on. sadly yet i didnt see much i guess the streaming location of steven is from his office. margaret still seems to be at home (nice Switch and XBox controller btw).

    so yeah a tour tru the studio or some footage of the work environment and chill out zones, fan wall and so on would be a nice update for a future stream.

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