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[DISCUSSION] How Second Archetype will augment abilities?

We all know "classes are the combination of a primary and a secondary archetype". "At lv. 25 a player will choose a secondary archetype". Although "the secondary archetype does not provide additional skills", "the player can augment their primary skills with effects from their secondary archetype". "Each skill in the primary tree will have several augment options from the secondary tree" and "Augments to primary skills can fundamentally change the way the ability works". What we don't know is how this will work.

In my opnion, augments will be a fourth rank in the primary ability tree. All abilities can be upgraded up to 3 ranks. As an example, cleric ability "HALLOWED GROUND", in its first rank: "Fills the surrounding area with radiant energy that damages enemies". If you choose to upgrade "HALLOWED GROUND" to its second rank it will also heal friends and in its third rank this ability buff friends and debuff enemies. Now, if the secondary archetype add a fourth rank to this ability, it could completely change it !!!!

A CLERIC who chose FIGHTER as it secondary archetype will now become a TEMPLAR. Fighter is a class that wants to be in the MIDDLE of a fight, not retreated, so its augments should help the cleric to become more useful in the frontline. Now imagine the ability "HALLOWED GROUND" from cleric having a FOURTH rank, from the fighter augments, with the description: "now this ability casting is centered on the templar and moves with him." It could also give more healing/damage, but the fact that now this ability is CENTERED ON THE TEMPLAR makes sense to a fighter secondary archetype.

The same "HALLOWED GROUND" can be entirely different if a cleric chooses ROGUE as their secondary archetype. The fourth rank could turn it into a tab target skill. If the enemy die within 10 seconds after being hit by this skill, it will explode, dealing damage to enemies and healing your allies.

That is only my opinion on how this secondary archetype system could work, but i would like to know what you guys thing on this subject.
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