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Alpha 2 / Beta Questions regarding weather & more

DevlinaDevlina Member
edited August 2022 in General Discussion

I have been intrigued by AoC since the announcement of the Kickstarter and have gradually become more and more invested in the project over the years (I suppose growing impatient with anticipation more so :smile: )

I have not kept up with all of the streams due to life getting in the way, so I have been trying to catch myself up by watching the more recent Youtube uploads on the official channel. Based on the most recent 5-6 videos, I have compiled a short list of questions regarding the systems shown and whether certain mechanics are being considered or are already put in place.

I would be so, so grateful to get some feedback on these as researching news on the game is the only thing keeping me from going crazy impatient because the game looks so freaking good!

I have tried to search up some of my questions by looking up keywords, but either found nothing asked or the question unanswered back in 2017, so here's to hoping we can have an update on some of those now. (Also, apologies if this question is asked under the wrong Category, unfortunately, "Support & FAQ" was the only selectable option aside from 'Select an option' and I could not figure out how to choose the relevant category.. sorry!)

Enough stalling, on with my questions :blush:!
- With regards to the weather system(s) currently in place:
1. Will there be rainbows following transition from sunny to rainy weather and vice versa, or if rain can happen while it is still sunny?
2. Will weather affect ground/water surfaces in the game - i.e. ripples from raindrops on water surfaces; still water bodies such as lakes freezing over; mud; wind creating waves in the oceans; tides; whirlpools etc?
3. (This one is a bit divergent and a similar question was asked on the stream regarding player footprints, however this is slightly different) Will caravans be able to veer off the roads? If yes, will they leave tracks on the surfaces they travel - i.e. on snow/mud/grass which can then help other players track their movements and attack?

- With regards to mounts:
1. Can you lose your mount? Are mounts summoned or are they an ever-present companion? What happens if you are separated from your mount, will there be a way to track its position? What if your mount becomes stuck while you are dismounted?

- With regards to in-node events & festivals:
1. Will there be in-node festivals? If yes, will they be triggered by a number of in-game events or manually by a mayor?
2. Will there be seasonal events? I.e. Summer fest / Harvest fest / Christmas-like events?

- With regards to NPC interactions:
1. Will the wildlife have organic interactions - i.e. a wolf attacking a stag or other such naturally occurring interactions relevant to the food chains?
2. Will there be roaming/traveling NPCs and, if yes, will they have any organic interactions with the wildlife - i.e. patrolling guards attacking/being attacked by wild bears/wolves/etc?

- Lastly, will players have the ability to start a campfire out in the open world? Is there any intention of there being campfire buffs or cooking interactions like in Tera for example?

Apologies, as I realise this is a long list of questions. I would be extremely happy if all were answered, but even if some aren't, I'm sure I will be more than happy with the outcome.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and, where possible, reply to my queries :)
~ Devlina


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    You will see in alpha 2, no one knows now.
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    tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    We know a few of those answers, but certainly not all of them. There is a great wealth of information on the wiki here:

    Regarding water flows, we do know that weather will impact the map. Some mountain passes will be closed in winter and rivers may freeze, turning them into slippery highways. Some entrances into the Underrealm may open or close based on the seasons. It is possible that there will be magical impacts on seasons - such as snow in the desert in summer - based on things happening in the world, such as a frost dragon spawning.

    It looks like at least some caravans can go off-road, though it will be significantly slower.

    Some mobs/npcs will roam.

    There will be cooking and food with buffs, with discoverable recipes. These may just be in taverns, which are started by players in towns/nodes and on freeholds and which can advance in level, offering additional services.

    There will be in-game events, though they may not follow the festivals of our world, but rather the world of Vera. Mayors of nodes may choose to make their own events, but I think those will be player-invented, not a part of the game.

    I look forward to running into you in the game world, @Devlina !
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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Pot of gold at the base of a rainbow!
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