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Mysterious areas to find

Ace1234Ace1234 Member
edited September 2022 in General Discussion
I heard there would be a focus on temporary locations based on the seasons/node progression, as well as quests that require some clue following.

I think it would be cool to take it a step further and have certain locations that are actual mysteries from the player-perspective and are very hard to even know they exist, and even harder to find.

This could be a small island that disappears for long periods of time, and when it appears can actually move around for a unknown reasons.

Or it could be a ghost ship that is concealed in fog that can only appear under certain conditions.

Or a floating island in the sky that can only be seen or accessed under certain conditions

It could be a portal to a dimension hinted at in the lore or in backgrounds of certain gameplay scenarios/cinematics

I think adding elements of actual mystery that the players themselves need to believe in, discover, locate, and tell tales of, would be a very awesome addition to the gameplay and social aspects.


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    I like this idea!
    Especially with the islands appearing in the sea.
    But I don't like them bound to quests. Better to be some other activity like simply exploring.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
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    MaiWaifuMaiWaifu Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    edited September 2022
    Yeah, I really hope they go all in with the dynamic world and make a large number of random underground dungeons scattered around the map with entrances that can appear and disappear every passing season.
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