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Clarity of orders in battles

With how tactical the design approach is going for the battle mechanics, I think it would be very beneficial to provide the players with an RTS style order system with visual indicators to clearly communicate desired formation size/direction/and composition.

This will ensure the ability to quickly and clearly communicate the tactical approach your team should take during a battle.

This could be used for pre-siege preparations to easily communicate battle plans for large groups of players, as well as mid-battle commands for any kind of group related content, in order to maximize communication and support strategic approaches.


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    tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Taverns which have levelled up sufficiently will have meeting rooms where maps can be displayed.

    Beyond that, isn't it up to the guild/group/leadership to develop working chains of command and messaging systems? Doing so gives one group an advantage over their opponents. I would prefer that to be something that players develop themselves, makes it real and legit, rather than having it handed to them.
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Their will be raid markers to assist with this.
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    Ace1234Ace1234 Member
    edited September 2022

    "Beyond that, isn't it up to the guild/group/leadership to develop working chains of command and messaging systems? Doing so gives one group an advantage over their opponents. I would prefer that to be something that players develop themselves, makes it real and legit, rather than having it handed to them."

    -Yes it is up to the players to plan and strategize and communicate. The point is that it makes the communication process a lot smoother. Its not like its actually providing the best strategies to use- you still have to come up with the plans/strategies/tactics as players and communicate them efficiently and effectively. Its just a tool to aid with the communication aspect to prevent frustration of not being able to get your points acrossed.
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