Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Questing and EXP
Will Ashes be a questing hub grindfest? Going from one quest hub to the next, completing boring task after boring task? All for the sake of efficiency? If these boring tasks and quests didn't reward EXP no one would do them. So is quest EXP an issue, or is it poor quest design? Both? Quest EXP covers up poor quest design, a large number of quests in the world gives the illusion that world is active, that things are happening with the unblinking stationary NPCs. So the quest treadmill is just a means to an end, max level and the end game. At the cost of a poor leveling experience, one that feels like a chore rather than entertainment.
I wonder what way Ashes will handle this problem. Will they copy the current systems out there? Or will they innovate something new to re energize the leveling process.
I wonder what way Ashes will handle this problem. Will they copy the current systems out there? Or will they innovate something new to re energize the leveling process.
i think you missed the point of the question. I was curious about what they plan to do that's new, or if their going to repeat mistakes from other mmos. Natasha said they'll have an event system. I'm off to check that out now.
We’re going to be breaking up what is traditionally called ‘questing’ into three different categories: Narratives, Events, and Tasks. We want to avoid going down the path of trying to force narrative into gameplay where it doesn’t really fit (ie: filler stuff that doesn’t really relate to what’s happening in the world).[5]
well you like i should probably read whats on the wiki and the ashes web page. seems they've got a few new or like new ideas for how quests are presented at least. I'm not a fan of most quests in mmos, because it's normally bs boring stuff. sure you can aoe farm if your class and game allows it. i tend to play melee or tank, so it's not normally an option. but wouldn't something new be fun? seems like ashes might be on to something to, at least the ideas they have are good, we'll have to see how well it's implemented. if I had some grand idea to revolutionize questing/leveling in mmos i'd shout it out. now my beer isn't going to drink itself..
I am taking your quest XP away; because you enjoy them for their immersive rpg contribution, right?
XP on Use rather than Kill would be great. Hopefully they remove quest XP too!