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Purchased Cosmetics

illilliillilli Member
edited September 2022 in General Discussion
Are cosmetics that are purchased equipable at any level? Do you have to be a certain level to equip? I think having a level one player looking like a maxed-out player loses the immersion for me. Lower levels characters should look like they are lower level in my opinion. Make purchased cosmetics equipable at a higher level. I'm not sure if this has been implemented or not. I'm not in alpha and nothing comes up on the search.


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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    illilli wrote: »
    Are cosmetics that are purchased equipable at any level? Do you have to be a certain level to equip? I think having a level one player looking like a maxed-out player loses the immersion for me. Lower levels characters should look like they are lower level in my opinion. Make purchased cosmetics equipable at a higher level. I'm not sure if this has been implemented or not. I'm not in alpha and nothing comes up on the search.

    It depends on the type of cosmetic. Gear will have appearance slots that you can place transmog into that will change the look of your gear (but you need to have the gear first)

    There are also appearance slots where the accessory skins from the packs can be placed and add to your characters look.

    Then there are costumes which can be used from level one. these cover the entirety of your character and can't be customised like transmog (they may be able to be dyed in the future)
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Also just going to add there's a lore reason behind it.

    Unlike other MMOs where you start as a plebeian in ashes you're already a hero starting out. You're the latest wave of hero seeking to return to the homeworld of verra after your ancestors fled and were basically shielded in a paradise by the goddess of creation.
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    Mounts are skins so you need the right mounts to apply it on it so no one starts with a epic mount at lvl 1 or boat.
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    unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mounts are skins so you need the right mounts to apply it on it so no one starts with a epic mount at lvl 1 or boat.

    Tier 1 mounts of which the majority of skins have been for are gained in the starter area through a quest. That means people will be able to skin a mount within the first couple of hours if they so choose.
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    I don't think you'll see sparky unicorn like people running around with insane shinny armours in this game. From what I've read so far, it will be lore related and will most likely make sense.
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