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Discussion: Day and Night Cycles - Unique spawns on specific time of day?

novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter
Let's assume AoC goes with this formula:

6 real life minutes = 1 hour in-game time.
72 real life minutes = 24 hours in-game time.

average casual players has 2 hours of play time, thus allowing casuals to also see a day cycle in their gaming session.

Now - would you like to see Day and Night effect gameplay and dynamically change spawns?

For Instance - some nodes/areas is easier in the day but becomes very hard during the night.

Maybe the Undark is very dangerous during the day time, but at night - it's less dangerous, however the surrounding nodes that has an entry to the underdark - during the night becomes harder, since the inhabitants of the underdark explored the top-side world.

Ruins places are mere land marks during the days with the occassional mobs, but at night - the undead rises up at all ruin locations.


Maybe certain flowers - while visible throughout the day, cant be picked until it blooms and it only blooms during the night.
Some events are triggered on specific time of day.

Puzzles and long term contents can also be focus on specific season + time.

Does or Should AoC have day/night cycles that affects game play?
{UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.


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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Prefer around 2-4hrs each cycle, so one`s outing can be planned around what is around day or night.
    Otherwise may be doing both all the time.

    Hope dungeons are not influenced by day / night cycles.

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    23 hr cycle. If you mostly play during one time of day you eventually get to see the other. If you simply play another time of day the game reflects that.

    An argument could be made for 36 or 48 hour days lol. Would be pretty cool I guess.
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    Would be cool but it’s probably low on the devs list of things to do, @novercalis.

    Maybe a feature after release.
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    AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited September 2022
    novercalis wrote: »
    Let's assume AoC goes with this formula:

    6 real life minutes = 1 hour in-game time.
    72 real life minutes = 24 hours in-game time.

    average casual players has 2 hours of play time, thus allowing casuals to also see a day cycle in their gaming session.

    Now - would you like to see Day and Night effect gameplay and dynamically change spawns?

    For Instance - some nodes/areas is easier in the day but becomes very hard during the night.

    Maybe the Undark is very dangerous during the day time, but at night - it's less dangerous, however the surrounding nodes that has an entry to the underdark - during the night becomes harder, since the inhabitants of the underdark explored the top-side world.

    Ruins places are mere land marks during the days with the occassional mobs, but at night - the undead rises up at all ruin locations.


    Maybe certain flowers - while visible throughout the day, cant be picked until it blooms and it only blooms during the night.
    Some events are triggered on specific time of day.

    Puzzles and long term contents can also be focus on specific season + time.

    Does or Should AoC have day/night cycles that affects game play?

    Afaik this is how it works now, and this is common for many MMOs already.

    Maybe not more recent ones? But it was definitely done quite a lot before, and the implication for some upcoming ones is that it will be returning. Ashes has spawns change by season, time of day is just one more variable into the spawner code.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
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    1-2 hours feels too short.
    6h and more feel too long
    3h and 4h are stupid values to have.

    So i'd either go with 3.5 or 5h per cycle
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