Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!


Hello Travelers I'm very fond of what this game is going to be already and of the entire community supporting Ashes Of Creation as it gets finely crafted to become the best game it can be for us all. I am Cuuurious - For the many who have joined in on Alpha One, and enjoyed the content on here for some time, What are some of your favorite proposed visuals from the game so far. This could be buildings, characters, areas, armor sets or weapons, Id love to know what catches your eye, to share with others.

Thanks ! -Rhoads


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    I really like the depth and character we have been seeing develop across the different races. (Both PC and NPC) They feel fresh but familiar and I look forward to seeing more.

    On an incredibly personal/selfish note, I would actually love to see the monthly Dev Updates have a section dedicated to each of the 9 races. Just a few minutes on each showing something from their development. In terms of world-building, having deep, established races which are all appealing is so important.
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