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Skill Idea

AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
edited September 2022 in General Discussion
Support/Heal Skill for non Healing classes

Best class to use Tank

Using HP up to 50% of max HP of caster to cast ether:

- Increase Max HP of each Groupmember for a short time
- Protects Group with a Shield that negates 1x Dmg receiving, 1x cc, or 1x instant kill effect
- Rises Groupe HP of each member to the max HP of caster for a short time (Cast cost is delayed will be lost after the skill runs out)
- Links all current HP of the Grouped into 1 HPbar for a short amount of time as long this pool has 1 hp all members survive

each effect time is 10 sec or less

- Does one of the effects to 1 friendly target

different effects could be achieved by different archetype augmentations

possible usage:

At bosses or high level mobs with aoe, multi aoe, instant kill (Instant kill or high HP dmg) aoe or cc aoe

Magic classes like mage or summoner
using HP or offering the summons hp or killing the summon to:

give the group a Buff, that may increase resistance, increase hp or mana regeneration.

for summoner only:
effects that the pets absorb all incoming dmg for a short time of the dmg received by its master or the selected target or group.



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    AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I would like to request here as well to overwork the Wiki on the skills also it has primarly only listed skills from Alpha 1 test (except ranger skills).

    Maybe adding one Subsection for each Base class and adding there the skills of the diffrent Augment classes. maybe also mark it with a new or a date of adding to the wiki.

    Cause to me the current wiki Page is a bit messy specaly with all the discordscreens at the end and mixing skills in diffrent variations around.

    also would it help to see what progress is made in skilldevelopment so we could discuss a bit over each skill and may help to balance it.

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    Asraiel wrote: »
    I would like to request here as well to overwork the Wiki on the skills also it has primarly only listed skills from Alpha 1 test (except ranger skills).

    Maybe adding one Subsection for each Base class and adding there the skills of the diffrent Augment classes. maybe also mark it with a new or a date of adding to the wiki.

    Cause to me the current wiki Page is a bit messy specaly with all the discordscreens at the end and mixing skills in diffrent variations around.

    also would it help to see what progress is made in skilldevelopment so we could discuss a bit over each skill and may help to balance it.

    Intrepid don't run the wiki. It's entirely community run. And, it's currently the best central source of information that we have on the game!
    This link may help you:
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    Asraiel wrote: »
    I would like to request here as well to overwork the Wiki on the skills also it has primarly only listed skills from Alpha 1 test (except ranger skills).

    Maybe adding one Subsection for each Base class and adding there the skills of the diffrent Augment classes. maybe also mark it with a new or a date of adding to the wiki.

    Cause to me the current wiki Page is a bit messy specaly with all the discordscreens at the end and mixing skills in diffrent variations around.

    also would it help to see what progress is made in skilldevelopment so we could discuss a bit over each skill and may help to balance it.

    In addition to my last comment, what exactly are you expecting to see about Augments, or classes like Summoner, that haven't been released (or even created) yet?

    All the info we've been given is on there. If it's not on there, it's info that we don't have yet.
    This link may help you:
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    AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited September 2022
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Intrepid don't run the wiki. It's entirely community run. And, it's currently the best central source of information that we have on the game!



    seeing those things and haveing the knowlegde of the wiki befor alpha 1 i would say the majority of the wiki is written by Intrepid Studios
    daveywavey wrote: »
    In addition to my last comment, what exactly are you expecting to see about Augments, or classes like Summoner, that haven't been released (or even created) yet?

    All the info we've been given is on there. If it's not on there, it's info that we don't have yet.

    you dont need all infos inorder to create a shematic design where you then can add in new informations

    i would like to chat more about the wiki in a topic for the wiki but the major content for this topic is new skills
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    Asraiel wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Intrepid don't run the wiki. It's entirely community run. And, it's currently the best central source of information that we have on the game!



    seeing those things and haveing the knowlegde of the wiki befor alpha 1 i would say the majority of the wiki is written by Intrepid Studios

    LOL, then by all means, carry on your life being wrong. I really don't care enough to educate you further.

    This link may help you:
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    SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    I don't think tanks should have spells. Mostly moves.

    For something like Tank sub-Cleric just give them more protective Shield moves. And let them have something like third person camera lol . . . divine sight. Cleric exclusive. Some resistance to corruption and that type of unholy damage as well.
    For Tank sub-Mage they can use enchanted gear well and craft their own; repair their own gear well. Stuff like that. Also some spell resistance I guess.
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