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Player housing board game use

Fun idea: ability to play a social tabletop game in player housing.
Think it'd be fun to be able to invite a group of friends over to your house, sit down at a table, and play some games. Maybe this is the wrong game for it, but I personally enjoy when, even if I'm not able to get out of the house, I'm still able to see a representation of my friends being dumbasses, and having a character helps that. Plus within guilds or groups of players it could be a fun bonding experience without having to leave the game.
Could maybe have a grid with terrain, or cards or smthn.
Conclusion: bring a shady group of new friends home from the tavern with you to play some dnd and have a good time.


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    tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    This sounds fun.

    Remember that we will have a number of games available to play in taverns. Some will be common across nodes, but I remember that high level taverns might have quests to find a game available nowhere else on the server. That would sure help draw customers (which the node can tax).

    I doubt AoC will have other games imbedded in the programming, but what do I know? They will probably have dice that can be rolled, so you can have craps. Maybe they will have cards and different poker games.
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