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What about this feature from an otherwise shitty MMO?

So, I'm not sure the rest of you are familiar or not with Metin2, but here in eastern Europe, was really popular back then.
It was a BAD MMO, but I think it has some interesting features, which ashes can benefit from:
1. Market system: there was no auction house there. Player had the abilities to basically "turn into a shop". In this way, the cities main sqere was like a huge market, where every player had there stores, named creatively, placed this way, the city felt alive...I think this feature fits and suits really well the player driven world of ashes. The only annoying part was, that you had to afk a long time and wait for the customer in the "shop form". This can be improved in many ways, but the basic idea is really good I think. What is your opinion?
2. Very rare drops: there was a weapon, which had a very very very low droprate. On top of that, this weapon had a unique stat, to increase damage with a certain percentage. The higher the percentage is, the lower the this way, truely legendary weapons was created, because one of this beast of a weapon was well-knowed around the server.
3. The other good features are already planned for ashes, and Im really happy about it :)


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