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Pet hoarder's request

froustysnomanfroustysnoman Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Ola, there is a cool feature from Wow's garrisons that i wanted to bring up as a topic, and its for all those pet hoarders out there. its very simple but brings quite the aesthetic pleasure to a collector like me. 10 random pets from your collection would always be out and wandering around the garrison. i was hoping this might be taken as a suggestion for player housing/freeholds to give them a little more life, and its nice to be able to see more than 1 at a time when you have put so much effort into getting them all. Espescially if you already own several skins for them too!


  • Options
    They plan also a smartphone app to manage things in game.
    If the app is made well, you could show your pets to your coworkers too :smile:
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
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