Body Guard Fees

To go with the risk and reward system, I know that the farther you transport goods with caravans the more you get paid for your goods. When transporting goods are you able to hire bodyguards or share the reward from selling goods with other players that assist with the safety of transportation?


  • ChimeChime Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited September 2022
    From I can see, we'll be able to hire Mercenary NPC's to help protect the caravans. As for other players divvying up the reward, I'm guessing that will have to be on an honor system. Unless someone else knows the answer.
    ☼ Alpha 2 let's gooooo ☼
  • That's great. Either I forgot about The mercenaries were totally missed them.
  • Well you could certainly hire a players to protect you.
    I am sure someone will come up with a system.
    Considering reputation, i could see something like 20% upfront.
    Another 30% mid point.
    The rest once you reach the final destination.
  • Should be part of the escrow system
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