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Just found this game

Hello all! As the title states I have just found out about this game while watching random youtube videos. I've played WoW since the vanilla beta and have dabbled in other MMO's as well through the years and I just wanted to say that from what I've seen of this game so far, it looks like the real deal.

I can see the passion behind the world building, the race/class design, the transparent development and so much more. The sense that the developers love this genre and love fantasy in general really shines through their work. I am excited to track this game's progress and will definitely be trying it out when I can!


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    Sit, have some tea, enjoy the company on this journey to release.
    I can be a life fulfilling dream. - Zekece
    I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
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    Ahhh fresh meat
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One

    Welcome to ashes!
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    Chubba wrote: »
    Hello all! As the title states I have just found out about this game while watching random youtube videos. I've played WoW since the vanilla beta and have dabbled in other MMO's as well through the years and I just wanted to say that from what I've seen of this game so far, it looks like the real deal.

    I can see the passion behind the world building, the race/class design, the transparent development and so much more. The sense that the developers love this genre and love fantasy in general really shines through their work. I am excited to track this game's progress and will definitely be trying it out when I can!

    Welcome to the fold. Here's your complimentary wiki link, you can find almost everything you would want to know on there about the game.
    Commissioned at
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    Well hello there and welcome!

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    This link may help you:
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    Much love ❤️
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    Welcome to the community pop a chair put on some sun block and join us for this months live stream on twitch.
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    Sathrago wrote: »
    Chubba wrote: »
    Hello all! As the title states I have just found out about this game while watching random youtube videos. I've played WoW since the vanilla beta and have dabbled in other MMO's as well through the years and I just wanted to say that from what I've seen of this game so far, it looks like the real deal.

    I can see the passion behind the world building, the race/class design, the transparent development and so much more. The sense that the developers love this genre and love fantasy in general really shines through their work. I am excited to track this game's progress and will definitely be trying it out when I can!

    Welcome to the fold. Here's your complimentary wiki link, you can find almost everything you would want to know on there about the game.

    Thank you for this! It didnt even dawn on me that there'd be a wiki already. I'm gonna enjoy reading all of this.
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    Hello and I hope you brought your sandals with you :D
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    Chubba wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Chubba wrote: »
    Hello all! As the title states I have just found out about this game while watching random youtube videos. I've played WoW since the vanilla beta and have dabbled in other MMO's as well through the years and I just wanted to say that from what I've seen of this game so far, it looks like the real deal.

    I can see the passion behind the world building, the race/class design, the transparent development and so much more. The sense that the developers love this genre and love fantasy in general really shines through their work. I am excited to track this game's progress and will definitely be trying it out when I can!

    Welcome to the fold. Here's your complimentary wiki link, you can find almost everything you would want to know on there about the game.

    Thank you for this! It didnt even dawn on me that there'd be a wiki already. I'm gonna enjoy reading all of this.

    @Chuba Welcome :smile:

    Start with
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
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    mobtekmobtek Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    welcome and...take care with your intake ;)
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