Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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AoC vs CoE

HEY!!! I'm new to the community. I'm EXTREMELY impressed with AoC...very impressed. So much information to have been in development for such a short period of time. So far Ashes of Creation has FAR more actual proof its going to be successful. Even in it's current state. So after jumping on The Chronicles of Elyria bandwagon for well over 2 years now, I'm 90% toward being done with CoE completely. I invested about $1,500.00 into CoE thinking it would be the next big sandbox mmorpg.

I'm now starting to see I was seriously wrong. The game has been in development 2 years longer than Ashes and is limping behind each schedule. The devs at CoE keep changing dates, info, etc. I've just become very....upset toward CoE. Asking for tons of money and not showing progression or info in return. PAX EAST was their big chance to shine, and we got little more than a shitty walk through demo. I'm to the point that I feel like CoE will be a failure on a massive scale, and end up like a medieval survival game on Steam.

Ashes has FAR better graphics, depth and in my opinion game play. So I'm just wondering if anyone else here feels the same way. I'm honestly considering contacting my bank and doing a charge back on my funds spent toward CoE. Then using them for AoC....


  • I don't like the general graphics and idea behind Chronicles of Elyria, Life is Feudal, etc...Graphics that are too realistic generally have very little lifetime, as they feel older the more technology progresses (while more cartoony graphics like WoW can still feel ok 12 years later). Nor do I enjoy the general idea of the game. I want an epic fantasy, not to relive some of shittiest moments our world has been through. Combat in CoE specifically also felt very boring, like a mix of skyrim and a watered down For Honor.
    Ashes seems to dab more into traditional MMO things, such as having a holy trinity - a must imho, as games without end up having laughable PvE - and open world raids/raid bosses and dungeons
  • I feel the same! CoE has a great Idea to it, but what its asking and what its giving is waayyyy off balance. Hardly any reports about it, and tbh, i kind of do agree with the graphics (although it isnt too bad). Luckily I havent invested a penny on it, and probably investing some cash to this one :) anyways, welcome to community!
  • Hey Tiberius, welcome to the AoC community!

    Did you have the same username on the CoE forums as you do here as your name rings a bell?

    I kind of know how you feel, I started following CoE back in 2015. While not <em>exactly</em> my cup of tea, as I prefer a more fantasy based feel to things, I did feel as though it was the best the genre had to offer at the time of it's announcement. They had some great ideas for the game and the devs were really forthcoming with new info and were very active with the community.

    Some real life issues cropped up though that took my attention away from CoE and when I went back to check up on the game after about a year, well... I wasn't exactly blown away by the progress. After that I kind of just drifted away from CoE, avoiding the kickstarter. Then I came across Ashes of Creation, which in my view shows much much more progress and promise than CoE in a much shorter timespan.

    tl;dr - CoE has a heck of a long way to go and they are so so far behind, unless they find another gear then I think they'll be lucky to see a 2021 release. Ashes of Creation is where it's at!
  • Hey Tiberius,

    I know what you mean, I run MMOHQ and have been following progress on CoE for the videos I make. it really does / did look like the next big MMO, but based of what I have seen on this game just over the last 20 minutes, I think this game may blow it out of the water.

    It's early days yet to make a solid stance of which will be better, I have not even watched all the videos yet, but I will start my research into this game and start doing update videos for my channel very soon.

    But I really like your enthusiasm for a new game, spending $1500 to support it, well done mate.
  • This game looks and sounds amazing, revolutionary and on and on...until I saw the combat system. Without changes to it I don't feel like I can take anything else they say seriously. Just not sure how you can make all these grandiose statements and then keep the most important part of the game meh. If CoE releases it will be amazing, but I agree that the funding and the team doesn't give me great confidence in what they are promising and trying to do. I still think I'd give it over a 50 percent chance of releasing which in todays gaming world is pretty good lol.

    One more recommendation to AoC other than tweaking combat. They need to do a much more effective marketing campaign. There are not a ton of people on these forums...CoE's is much more active. A game with this much money backing it should be all over the place and should have a lot of hype driving activity here. Just not happening right now.
  • [quote quote=5412]This game looks and sounds amazing, revolutionary and on and on…until I saw the combat system. Without changes to it I don’t feel like I can take anything else they say seriously. Just not sure how you can make all these grandiose statements and then keep the most important part of the game meh. If CoE releases it will be amazing, but I agree that the funding and the team doesn’t give me great confidence in what they are promising and trying to do. I still think I’d give it over a 50 percent chance of releasing which in todays gaming world is pretty good lol.

    One more recommendation to AoC other than tweaking combat. They need to do a much more effective marketing campaign. There are not a ton of people on these forums…CoE’s is much more active. A game with this much money backing it should be all over the place and should have a lot of hype driving activity here. Just not happening right now.

    Combat aside, while I do agree they need to work on marketing and getting the name around, it is still early days. CoE has about 2 years on AoC so it's a little early to be comparing community sizes. I see where you're coming from though.
  • I tend to agree about the marketing thing but I also think that is where the dev's are wanting us to do some of the work with that referral program. Unfortunately for me, I have never stuck with a single guild through all the MMOs Ive played so I really only have 1 good MMO buddy that I play with.....and Ive already told him.

    I bet we all play other MMOs currently though so hey jump in general/world chat and just slyly ask if anyone else is looking forward to 'that new Ashes of Creation' game. Bound to be a few other people in chat that have heard of it and many others that havent and will Google it and find this site.
  • I personally thing that Discord b2c marketing is far more worthwhile, that referral programs. Referral programs are good, if a whole guild plans to change game, and the want to lower the costs.
  • [quote quote=5412]

    One more recommendation to AoC other than tweaking combat. They need to do a much more effective marketing campaign. There are not a ton of people on these forums…CoE’s is much more active. A game with this much money backing it should be all over the place and should have a lot of hype driving activity here. Just not happening right now.


    There's more action in discord.
  • I also followed CoE for quite some time, but as more time went on more I realized CoE will not be the game that was original promised, many odd decisions and odd turns from the devs really drove me away from it.
  • To answer the OP,

    I was honestly impressed with Chronicles of Elyria when it was just an idea 2 years ago and then being worked on last year. I was also extremely excited for Revival, which was a similar game. However, I find that CoE is more... Roleplay-ey in how everything is set up with the Kingdoms, the roles that the gamers play and the investment one must put into the game before they can achieve a true sense of accomplishment. Overall, I find CoE to be overly complicated :p

    Ashes of Creation mixes the realism with fantasy in a new state of the art type of mechanic. It feels fresh, but familiar to what we've loved in games in the past. The best part of AoC is the communication and feedback from the team and how much they're changing the game based on the feedback of the majority of the community. Here's the zinger: They actually care about their potential customers. Apart from the economic side of things, unlike CoE, Ashes isn't offering a permanent or temporary place of Rule such as being King or Queen over a node through monetary ways. Their Cash Shop and KS is wanting to be 100% Cosmetic and Skins for Mounts. That's it, that's all. And that, is what we need in the MMORPG world again. Hope.
  • No offense, but threads like these aren't productive. There's plenty of room in the world for both MMOs, there's no need to denigrate CoE for this game to flourish.

    I've backed CoE substantially and I'd still like to see both games be wildly successful.

    edit - I see now that this thread was necro'ed. I probably should have just let it trail off.
  • Sarumonin nailed it, i also followed CoE for a short period of time.. A oC is more what im looking for, we need to bring back the roots of what made mmo's great! While evolving into something new and truly revolutionary for the mmo genre!
  • I have been questioning my investment myself into CoE after learning about AoC and comparing the two. AoC seems at this pre-alpha stage to be much more polished project. The staff in the Q&A frankly are much more profession in every which way. The information is passed along concise and accurate. The video demos I have seen are stellar and really show that the game play will be excellent. The concept behind the node systems frankly seems a lot better thought through then how SBS is developing their questing and city systems. I am starting to think that CoE is going to be a step up from Life is Feudal but will miss the mark with the true questing and story systems that AoC is showing to be ongoing and ever changing.

    Additionally very impressed that AoC has not immediately started asking the community for money to "develop" the game. Sure there is the talk that a kick starter will be forth coming but the state that the game is already in proves to me that it will be a success. So I am looking forward to this game. CoE I believe will be a fleeting game with this one rising high above.
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