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Spectator Mode For the 250 v 250 Battles?

Hello again everyone :smile: ! I was curious if there was going to be any style of Spectator mode for the node battles? My case is a little specific, but i "Shoutcast" all the Wars in New World at the moment. One thing i notice that the not just my Community, but the New World Community wants is a way to watch the battles. Is this something the Ashes team would consider moving forward? Just curious! :smile:


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    SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I don't know if it's planned, BUT, if it was, I'd use it to recruit spectator spies to tell me how my opponents are moving.
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    bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    This was asked a while back and we got a maybe answer.
    Said would be cool, maybe a post launch thing but maybe.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
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    SongRune wrote: »
    I don't know if it's planned, BUT, if it was, I'd use it to recruit spectator spies to tell me how my opponents are moving.

    Have the matches available as VOD's after the fact? Live spectators would just use it to remove the fun from the game as you stated above. Most people aren't decent, fair, or have a sense of sportsmanship, they will use anything they possibly can rather than rely on skill.
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    SongRune wrote: »
    I don't know if it's planned, BUT, if it was, I'd use it to recruit spectator spies to tell me how my opponents are moving.

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    This was asked a while back and we got a maybe answer.
    Said would be cool, maybe a post launch thing but maybe.

    Thatd be awesome. It's cool they kind alaready touched on it.
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    WHIT3ROS3 wrote: »
    SongRune wrote: »
    I don't know if it's planned, BUT, if it was, I'd use it to recruit spectator spies to tell me how my opponents are moving.

    Have the matches available as VOD's after the fact? Live spectators would just use it to remove the fun from the game as you stated above. Most people aren't decent, fair, or have a sense of sportsmanship, they will use anything they possibly can rather than rely on skill.

    The way i envision it. Is the "Roster master" or whoever is over it can approve spectators or slot them like they would a roster. Making it to where not just anyone can view it, but the option is available for Guilds to watch and maybe people like me who "Shoutcast" content. The Community i have LOVES my casting and i hope there is better options in Ashes then what i have in New World for it :)
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    SongRune wrote: »
    I don't know if it's planned, BUT, if it was, I'd use it to recruit spectator spies to tell me how my opponents are moving.

    This is why I would suggest to not have it.
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    I think if they do implement this, they should remove name tags for the spectator. With no name tags and no health bars it will make any information gathered very macro-based and less impactful.
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    Just add a 5-10 minute delay to the view for the spectators.
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    Voxtrium wrote: »
    Just add a 5-10 minute delay to the view for the spectators.

    uh... I think we are talking about two different things.
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    Sathrago wrote: »
    I think if they do implement this, they should remove name tags for the spectator. With no name tags and no health bars it will make any information gathered very macro-based and less impactful.

    That'd be as simple as naming landmarks to pinpoint areas to inform players participating
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    Dolyem wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I think if they do implement this, they should remove name tags for the spectator. With no name tags and no health bars it will make any information gathered very macro-based and less impactful.

    That'd be as simple as naming landmarks to pinpoint areas to inform players participating

    Yes but that's my point. Ita not asman and his group overgeared baldbarians flanking, it's a group of fighters and tanks flanking.

    If they force you to not see the cosmetic skins of players it will be near impossible to give out accurate micro level calls.

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    WHIT3ROS3 wrote: »
    SongRune wrote: »
    I don't know if it's planned, BUT, if it was, I'd use it to recruit spectator spies to tell me how my opponents are moving.

    Have the matches available as VOD's after the fact? Live spectators would just use it to remove the fun from the game as you stated above. Most people aren't decent, fair, or have a sense of sportsmanship, they will use anything they possibly can rather than rely on skill.


    Could also be used then to analyze your own performance vs the enemy's.

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    Sathrago wrote: »
    Dolyem wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I think if they do implement this, they should remove name tags for the spectator. With no name tags and no health bars it will make any information gathered very macro-based and less impactful.

    That'd be as simple as naming landmarks to pinpoint areas to inform players participating

    Yes but that's my point. Ita not asman and his group overgeared baldbarians flanking, it's a group of fighters and tanks flanking.

    If they force you to not see the cosmetic skins of players it will be near impossible to give out accurate micro level calls.

    Makes sneaky tactics impossible. I'd rather leave it to only the people participating being able to spot movements. Leaves it up to them not to get flanked instead of having an invisible eye looking out for them
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    LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    The only people that ask for this - are casual players or PvE players with absolutely no interest/chance of ever being in a Siege - so why should they be giving feedback about it?

    No competitive guild leader would ever be stupid enough to want a spectator camera showing all their tactics and battleplans, not with 10 minutes delay and not with 5 years delay, there are certain things we Do Not want to share.

    This is the most endgame competitive PvP content, only the top tier guilds will experience this, when we want to show it, we will have content creators being allowed to show it, but no spectator camera. Big No. Huge NO.
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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Similar but different, I have always wanted the leader or leaders in a castle siege to have the ability to provide tactical information before, during and post to those below by means of some overview tactical map.. with directions for the plebs to follow
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    I would only support something like an after action report of the overall battlefield, having a live feed of a large-scale battle does nothing but hinder the participants for the benefit of non-combatants.
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    OK So I'm a big fan of the LitRPG genra of books. I remember in one of them they had a 3v3 guild battle going on. People wanted to watch and place bets - but the only way they could was by being in a tavern. Action was apparently not live but in 10 minute blocks. They showed highlights of the action. I don't know how that would translate into the game - but highlight reals would be amazing or even AFTER the battles people could watch. Although now that I think about it that may not work so well as other guilds could glean some sort of strategy for future battles.
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