Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Class Identity: Do you think AoC will have a class similar to Guild War's "Mesmer"?

Hello all!
Pretty much title. I am super excited about Ashes, but more importantly, how they handle class diversity. 8 classes with 8 subtypes has amazing potential, but I hope they have a unique enough skillset that TRULY makes playing each one a different experience.
That said, one experience I hope to find(that i've not seen in any non-GW mmo) is a MESMER class. Guild Wars has this very unique class that's entire kit is built on hexes, spell interrupts, curses, and general illusion magic. Its such a unique and amazing class(I strongly prefer GW1 variation, as opposed to GW2).
I was wondering if anyone here thinks there will be some sort of class variation that will be similar to Mesmers?
Pretty much title. I am super excited about Ashes, but more importantly, how they handle class diversity. 8 classes with 8 subtypes has amazing potential, but I hope they have a unique enough skillset that TRULY makes playing each one a different experience.
That said, one experience I hope to find(that i've not seen in any non-GW mmo) is a MESMER class. Guild Wars has this very unique class that's entire kit is built on hexes, spell interrupts, curses, and general illusion magic. Its such a unique and amazing class(I strongly prefer GW1 variation, as opposed to GW2).
I was wondering if anyone here thinks there will be some sort of class variation that will be similar to Mesmers?

Founder and Guild Leader of -Providence-
That said, I'm very curious to see how this game's resource management is handled(HP/Mana/etc). I'd love for classes to have 0.5-3 second cast times that can be interrupted like in GW1. It adds so much diversity to PvP.
I'd pay good money for Heroes Ascent monthly tournaments
Founder and Guild Leader of -Providence-
I also really hope there is a slower more tactical combat like this also. Though I doubt it. Everyone now a days wants their MMO to have action combat, fast and twitchy, where instinct beats skill and a well thought out plan. it's getting kinda old for me at this point. Also to have long interruptible cast times like this, everyone would have to have slower attacking, skill animations to level out the classes.
Personally I would love this, but what little we've seen of the combat in AOC so far. Doesn't look like what they are going for.
I hope magic is slow and powerful or quick and super niche/ mostly useless. 10 second casts even. 20 second casts. 30 second casts. No joke. 3 person spells, 5 person spells.
Well, I think we all know that won't happen(though I see where you're coming from). Magic is wildly prevalent throughout the AoC universe; your idea is a bit more archaic, imo.
That said, if all skills, not just "spells", had cast times (even just 1 second), it would add a lot of variability in PvP environments (CC, interrupted, etc.), while also adding a degree of player-monster awareness In PvE
Founder and Guild Leader of -Providence-
I hope so! Mesmer has been my main class for the last 9 years or so years. I'm guessing maybe something Bard related, but who knows. I'm in the 'waiting and see' group when we can test them out.
Mesmer would be more a combination of summoner and mage. An illusionist.