Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Empyrean Model feedback

Hello all,
I just watched the Stream as always and wanted to give some feedback on the New Empyrean Model!
I really love them. Elegant and determined. that fits so well !
But one thing really bothered my RPG-wise.
The Underwear they are wearing looks like Diapers. just really weird. I know its a small thing but it look really weird and ''unfitting'' for this Elegant race.

What do you think about the Race ? Do you like how they look ?
I just watched the Stream as always and wanted to give some feedback on the New Empyrean Model!
I really love them. Elegant and determined. that fits so well !
But one thing really bothered my RPG-wise.
The Underwear they are wearing looks like Diapers. just really weird. I know its a small thing but it look really weird and ''unfitting'' for this Elegant race.

What do you think about the Race ? Do you like how they look ?

but i guess giving feedback even to smalls things like this should be a good thing.
Personally my one complaint is that the female and male here presented don't even look to be from the same race in terms of facial bone structure. I'm hoping that's just something I can work on with the sliders, as the female's face looks much more natural than the male's.
Unfortunatley Py'rai and Vek shares this same issue. Female and male really doesn't look good together side by side. The females (except Kaelar) looks too much like Disney-style compared to the males.
And the males belly button are too low. It should be in line with the top of the hipbone. It looks so weird.
The male looks like a disappointed butler.
I hope we can make a male empyrean elf that looks like the belong in nature, slightly untamed and strong.
I think the female captures that energy better.
I hope the choice isn't between antler elf or snobby elf.
I have been really excited for the past few years to make a male elf in this game, given the concept art and culture aligning with what I want my character to be like.
Having played Alpha 2 and messing with a multitude of different customizations on the character creator, I feel that male Empyrean looks too alien from (1) their female counter parts as mentioned previously, and (2) the concept art provided. I fully admit, I am a tad biased and was hoping for more Tolkein-esque elves in appearance, but after a few hours of trying to make an elf I felt looked decent, I feel that I was unable to do so entirely.
I am absolutely ok with having the elves look different than "humans with pointy ears," but the males just look too alien to me. I am concerned that I would feel pressured to make a Kaelar vs Empyrean to achieve my desired look, but then I would not even be able to wear the elven-aesthetic if the mogs remain race-locked. A few of my thoughts:
-The cheekbones are way too aggressive. The majority of the time my character looked like they had sunken cheeks and were mal-nourished. In order to combat that aesthetic, I had to plump the cheeks but that, in turn, made the character's face look puffier than what my goal was. Even the females cheekbones seem to work well.
-The faces are too long. In every combination of facial features I tried, the face looked long and (as someone put earlier) snobby. I wasn't able to really pull any other emotion out of the mouth area so my character always looked unhappy and snooty.
-The brows protrude a little too much over the eyes. If this is the intended look, great, but give more customization to players.
-The nose felt off. I tried making a relatively "normal" nose and I had to adjust a lot of sliders in order to ensure it didn't have some sharp hook or weird curvature to it.
I was really pleased with how the females have turned out thus far, but I cannot say the same for the male counterpart. I know that I, and some others Ive spoken with, would absolutely LOVE to see more of those elves with more human features; even if only given a few options in the character creator. This would allow players the autonomy to create a character that more aligns with what they want, and to create space for RPers to pursue a half-elf character if so desired, while still allowing for players to lean into that other-worldly character design.