resource drop %?

so far all we know is that green has a standard drop rate and purple is 50% of the stanard and red is 4x the standard. can we get a % expected to see in A2? my personal opinion would be 20% minimum for green flat across all mats on the player making it 10% for purple and 80% for red. id like it higher but anything lower then that hardly seems worth it.


  • Doubt they'll tell us this kind of info before Alpha2. And most likely this will be tested all along the alpha process, if not all the way up until release.
  • Will players drop the same standard % when they die being killed by NPCs?
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Strevi wrote: »
    Will players drop the same standard % when they die being killed by NPCs?

    Yes. You drop items when you die to NPCs (as of Alpha 1, certainly). NPCs don't loot your body though, so if you get back in time, you might be able to grab it. If you can get to your ashes safely, based on where you were fighting.
  • BaSkA_9x2BaSkA_9x2 Member
    edited October 2022
    xMrWoolf wrote: »
    so far all we know is that green has a standard drop rate and purple is 50% of the stanard and red is 4x the standard. can we get a % expected to see in A2? my personal opinion would be 20% minimum for green flat across all mats on the player making it 10% for purple and 80% for red. id like it higher but anything lower then that hardly seems worth it.

    I don't think the minimum drop rate for greens should be under 40% of the total amount of droppable resources, half that for purple and double that for reds.

    My question is how the dropped resources will be decided, basically if it's going to be random or not. For example, if the drop rate is 50% and I have 10 fangs, 10 horns and 2 lotuses making a total of 22 resources, will I drop 5 fangs, 5 horns and 1 lotus or will I drop 11 random resources?
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
  • @BaSkA13 id hope its 5/5/1 in that example
  • OkeydokeOkeydoke Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    It was 50%/25% noncombatant/combatant loot drop in Alpha 1 OP. That was just how it was in Alpha 1, not neccessarily indicative of how it will be in final form. It all has to be tested.

    But yeah the numbers have to give incentive for people to flag up and defend themselves. The 25% in 50/25 definitely does. The 10% in 20/10, probably won't. But who knows, all will be tested.
  • StreviStrevi Member
    edited October 2022
    BaSkA13 wrote: »
    xMrWoolf wrote: »
    so far all we know is that green has a standard drop rate and purple is 50% of the stanard and red is 4x the standard. can we get a % expected to see in A2? my personal opinion would be 20% minimum for green flat across all mats on the player making it 10% for purple and 80% for red. id like it higher but anything lower then that hardly seems worth it.

    I don't think the minimum drop rate for greens should be under 40% of the total amount of droppable resources, half that for purple and double that for reds.

    My question is how the dropped resources will be decided, basically if it's going to be random or not. For example, if the drop rate is 50% and I have 10 fangs, 10 horns and 2 lotuses making a total of 22 resources, will I drop 5 fangs, 5 horns and 1 lotus or will I drop 11 random resources?

    I'd say the most recently collected should drop first.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • Okeydoke wrote: »
    It was 50%/25% noncombatant/combatant loot drop in Alpha 1 OP. That was just how it was in Alpha 1, not neccessarily indicative of how it will be in final form. It all has to be tested.

    But yeah the numbers have to give incentive for people to flag up and defend themselves. The 25% in 50/25 definitely does. The 10% in 20/10, probably won't. But who knows, all will be tested.

    nice in A1 were there any rare mats that lets say if you found it and ahrvested it only gave you 1x of it? in situations where its little to no resources did it just drop the 1 item?
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited October 2022
    Resource scarcity in Alpha 1 was based on scarcity of harvesting points. You'd generally get the same amount from a given harvest (from my vague memory, perhaps sometimes you'd get 2?). I never got zero items from a harvest.

    It was a technical Alpha, however, and they have stated several times that the gathering system was entirely a placeholder.
  • OkeydokeOkeydoke Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    xMrWoolf wrote: »
    nice in A1 were there any rare mats that lets say if you found it and ahrvested it only gave you 1x of it? in situations where its little to no resources did it just drop the 1 item?

    I don't know, didn't play a whole lot of Alpha 1. Pretty much just showed up for the siege tests. I don't even think I harvested a resource at all. You'd have to ask someone else heh.

    On your second question, not sure what you're asking. If you have only 1 of a gatherable, and it's 50% loot drop, does the 1 item drop on death or not? I don't know. But that's the kind of thing you can probably count on it not dropping, Intrepid will probably err in favor of the person being killed, imo.

    There really wasn't much pvp in Alpha 1 or testing/tweaking of loot drop. Pvp was disabled for most of the time so people could focus on testing technical things. But you did drop loot if killed by pve.
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