Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Question about housing system

DeadfoolDeadfool Member
edited October 2022 in General Discussion
So if you purchase a "house" in a node, will you own that house with all your characters or only with the one you made a purchase with?
(if this question was already answered, i apologize. I must have missed it)
Drinking refreshing snowflakes tears


  • DABZ16DABZ16 Member, Alpha Two
    Deadfool wrote: »
    So if you purchase a "house" in a node, will you own that house with all your characters or only with the one you made a purchase with?
    (if this question was already answered, i apologize. I must have missed it)

    The house in a node is only owned by one of your characters. In order for your other characters to have a house they can edit the character will need to purchase a separate house. The only way you could is if you hypothetically had one of your characters marry another one of your characters in game, then both would have access to the house.
  • Is possible to grant access to other players to the apartment, including alts

    Transfer of resources and materials to alts will only be possible via player housing storage, which is localized to a particular house.[4]

    But interesting is that you cannot have freeholds on different servers.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • AsgerrAsgerr Member, Alpha Two
    It also depends on the type of housing:
    Apartments are 1 per character per server
    Freeholds are 1 per account
    House (in-node) are 1 per character per server

    Players may grant shared access to certain freehold services to a limited number of other players, such as access to their processing centers.

    A property has a single owner.
    • Marriage enables family size to increase by one so that housing access can be shared.
    • Access lists can be used to mimic co-ownership.
    • Payment of taxes may be via a "gentleman's agreement".
    • Mayors are able to allocate treasury funding to hire mercenary NPCs to defend their node during sieges

    It'll be a single owner based system for those types of properties- for properties in general, but it doesn't prevent players obviously from you know collaborating and pooling resources in order to achieve certain achievements in the game. – Steven Sharif
  • So the way I understand this is that the apartment is rented, and it gives the possibility to claim a citizenship.
    When the citizenship is declared by the player, it is enforced to all alts of that player, so that only one citizenship a player can have on that server. But the alt will not need to rent one more apartment (price would also be higher later as the node level increases).

    In other words, the alt will not be a non-citizen and will share the apartment / chests with the main character.

    But the wiki allows the possibility to rent multiple apartments, to increase the storage capability the player has.

    Then if the player needs to craft something the materials stored in chests will be accessible within the node, even if the crafting happens outside of the apartment(s).
    Crafting stations can pull inventory from a player's personal storage and warehouse storage from the node that the crafting station is in.[6]

    I have doubts that they'll allow multiple apartments, one for each character. Because if they do, I'll make as many characters as possible to rent an apartment with each of them, when the price is still small.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • edited January 2023
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  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 2023
    @Dolgrin I mean this with the most truthful intention possible and with literally 0 memeage. THIS. GAME. IS. NOT. FOR. YOU.

    All your latest comments are the direct proof of this.
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Dolgrin wrote: »
    The housing system is trash I don't feel like having to rebuild my house every time it gets attacked and no, I don't want to hire guards. Just because the game is called ashes of creation doesn't mean everything should be destructible. I'm not a fan of player verses player in MMORPG games I will not be attacking any players or nodes.

    Steven "We are not making a game for everyone, and that’s OK”

    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
  • edited January 2023
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  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Dolgrin wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of player verses player in MMORPG games I will not be attacking any players or nodes.

    And when you get attacked? AND you will. Then what? This is a PvX game. Nothing lasts forever.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member, Alpha Two
    Dolgrin wrote: »
    This coming from a person that has United player killer- All your loot belongs to us connected to their post like that's not toxic at all right. I love it I pay you guys $375 and all I get is we are not making this a game for everyone true so far, it looks to be just for toxic pvp players.

    Once again, the $375 pre-order cosmetic package is neither obligatory nor required. You don't have to pay a dime until the game launches.

    @novercalis point still stands, however. If you don't like the housing mechanics and PvP, you're going to have a tough time justifying playing Ashes.
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Dolgrin wrote: »
    novercalis wrote: »
    Dolgrin wrote: »
    The housing system is trash I don't feel like having to rebuild my house every time it gets attacked and no, I don't want to hire guards. Just because the game is called ashes of creation doesn't mean everything should be destructible. I'm not a fan of player verses player in MMORPG games I will not be attacking any players or nodes.

    Steven "We are not making a game for everyone, and that’s OK.”

    This coming from a person that has United player killer- All your loot belongs to us connected to their post like that's not toxic at all right. I love it I pay you guys $375 and all I get is we are not making this a game for everyone true so far, it looks to be just for toxic pvp players.

    Your point??? Not my fault you refuse to accept the facts laid before you, how Steven is designing the game, the overall picture of his game.
    yeah im toxic, so what. PvP is competative by nature - expect trash talking. Expect the strongest survive, the weak dies. Expect the better player to be on top winning and everyone else doesnt even get scraps. If you can't handle that - if you cant handle players investing and being competative - maybe just maybe
    this game is ACTUALLY NOT FOR YOU. or any pvp, fps, moba, rts.. hell even monopoly and uno.

    I still think my little pony private server still exist somewhere.
    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
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  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    Thank you to those who provided helpful links to the OP :)

    It's ok to disagree on thoughts regarding the game, but let's not commandeer someone's thread just to be rude to one another on something that is off-topic.

    Thanks! ^_^
  • Back to apartments. I really hope that they make an "asset pack" for each of the different races. Having a core of some chairs, bedding, tables etc with each of the different racial styles represented would be cool.

    We have seen some Kaelar and Empyrean furniture, I wanna see a fully decked-out apartment for the Ren'Kai. You could have a lot of fun with the different customization options. I know that housing isn't a top priority for many players but I love it in games and think that AoC really has so much potential to provide for that part of the player base.
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