Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Player guilds with branch guilds?
My question is how will you combat the formation of player guilds that will exists as seperate guilds in game but as one guild on discord and such. I am afraid that they will do that to control the whole server while providing the illusion of conflict even tho they already have everything decided.
Only if you attack and loot caravans and siege other nodes will you be able to repair your high level gear.
Everybody could stop fighting to prevent durability loss. But then that is what players want: to farm crops and fish. And you will go and play on another server or game. Nothing wrong with this unlikely scenario where all people are friends.
We will have to wait and see what benefits (guild talents) guilds can offer. I remember Steven saying that guilds can choose to invest in guild size or in player power. So to maximize effectiveness, a large group of players with many small guilds is actually optimal play. Put your artisan focused players in one guild, economic focused players in another, combat focused in a third, etc.
How will they balance effectiveness and size? Many people have told me that it's logistically very difficult to manage many small guilds separately and simultaneously, but anyone with good planning, communication, and management skills should be able to do this for sure. Maybe those who can do this should be able to do this, but hopefully it's not too strong that any group that wants to be competitive has to do this.
No attempt at all will be made to combat them. If they can keep their interests aligned, avoid politics, avoid 'power hungry' disruptions, and avoid internal conflicts over decisions relating to nodes, gear and resources, they will be allowed to exist and operate.
(ref: Guilds)
how will YOU combat them?
My question is: why would you wanna do that?
If the players work together and politique well enough to form large alliances, why would you wanna stop it. You're looking at it from the point of view of a victim. Look at it as if you were a part of those guilds. Would it feel fair for the game to restrict your social interactions within the game?
With that said, the game has an Alliance system, which allows for 3 Guilds to band together for some benefits (Alliance bank, specific quests etc.) However Guilds can only be part of 1 Alliance at a time. If people want to have an informal alliance, cool.
Keep also in mind that to have a guild expanded to the largest size possible, it requires said guild to spec fully into player cap in their guild skill tree. This means that they'll miss out on other perks, such as buffs to combat in PvP and PvE and gathering.
Other smaller guilds may specialize in different aspects and either out-perform the larger guilds in those fields, or be recruited if they offer enough benefits for it (protection etc.). Or they can just beat them in a fight if they have bigger buffs against their numbers.
And hey, the bigger an alliance gets, the easier it becomes for infighting to arise and the alliance to fall out. Consider that there are a limited amount of castles and flying mounts. Greed alone would drive people to screw their alliance out of those. Players not liking each other and other perceived slights will lead to wanting to fight each other, thus disbanding the alliances and starting guild wars. Meanwhile smaller guilds may gain a foothold at the top.
Good point, but i would feel a bit scumy if i was a part of a too big of a group, i agree with the other stuff you mantioned
Actively, you could insert spies into their guild structure to undermine their command, control, and communications. You could misdirect resources, steal material, and demoralize their core teams. You could actively oppose them by learning where they are raiding, and conducting ambushes or flanking attacks - not with the objective of ‘winning’ but disrupting. Basically, organize and conduct an insurgency.
Passively, you could just wait - knowing the entropy of most gaming social constructs result in deterioration and fracture. Then just be organized enough to take advantage of the cracks.
It’s history and basic human psychology, not rocket science.