Discussion on combat feedback issues

ArrowheadeArrowheade Member, Settler, Kickstarter, Alpha One
hello guys,

I just watched the skill demonstration videos in September and July, and found that there is basically no feedback on the attack, such as the warrior's heavy attack, the monster will not retreat, and the archer's attack skill does not have a stiff state on the monster.


  • AidanKDAidanKD Member
    edited October 2022
    Obligatory still in alpha - but feedback is still good to get out.

    I don't think you want staggering so much, as that is a mechanic in itself. But it would be good for them to at least make sure there is some sort of indicator of hits just a subtle one. Could be a damage marker like a slash for a sword. But I can understand not wanting to over-complicate these. Note, for the sword they DID have slashes, so I mean it's not that there wasn't feedback.
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