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Class/Race specific professions

For example

Rogues - Poisons - Lockpicking etc
Mage - Manastones
Ranger - Arrow crafting etc

These professions/recipes or advancement in the profession itself could be locked behind quest chains etc and your race

What is your opinion on class specific professions? Can you think of one for each class/race?


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    AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    My opinion is: "No thank you under any circumstances ever."
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
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    SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited October 2022
    Hell no.

    I'm a woodworker. I should be able to make arrows for my ranger friends (if arrows exist).

    My alchemist friend should be able to make me poisons. Most rogues aren't master chemists. They KNOW A GUY.

    Don't even get me started on race-specific. Sorry, can't train under a Nikuan master. You're simply not allowed to learn.
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    AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    We already have unique utility skills that each archetype brings to a party, so profession skills don't seem necessary. Mages can detect hazards with a spell, I believe Clerics have the ability to clear out certain hazards, etc.

    So in that sense, what you're asking for is already going to be in-place.

    Also, what is the point in Rangers making arrows that a Ranger would use, Rogues making poisons for Rogues, Mages making "manastones" for Mages... That just sounds like self-sufficiency. The point of crafting in this game is for players to be interdependent. You can't be a master potion-maker and also a master weaponsmith. So, make your own epic broadsword, but if you want a potion that gives the maximum buff, you better go talk to your buddy the alchemist who might want to you make him a dagger. That's how crafting is supposed to work. Not making things just for yourself.

    If you want, you can pretend that your character is making arrows and writing scrolls and brewing poisons and all that stuff after you log out, and they're using those things in combat after you log in.
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    For example

    Rogues - Poisons - Lockpicking etc
    Mage - Manastones
    Ranger - Arrow crafting etc

    These professions/recipes or advancement in the profession itself could be locked behind quest chains etc and your race

    What is your opinion on class specific professions? Can you think of one for each class/race?

    I like the idea of that since it's another step toward individual class distinction. WoW use to do that well, but from what I have read in these forums there's a group of people aren't interested in that stuff and consider it useless, among other things. They can't be bothered with the minutia, yet immersion should still matter.....
    I'm all for it but you have an uphill fight.
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    9001% no. Also no to classes being certain races and genders.

    If you want to push a race idea though i doubt this would happen based on the work but you never know, have it based on your race when you craft something there is a chance for it to have influence from that race but ONLY COMESTIC WISE.. So dwarven looking great shield, Elven great axe, Elven furniture, etc.
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