Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Because people will create their characters as soon as possible.
Even before such boring meta-level knowledge will be known to the wide, public & unwashed masses.
I remember in WoW not every alliance priest being a Dwarf either just because they had a unique fear-ward buff that would be exhausted and block one fear-effect from someone as a result.
Was pretty cool.
Yes ESO you could pick the wrong race and you will have messed up your class. I think thats by design to get you to buy race tokens. Ashes will have some awesome Augments for races but so many ways to make your class awesome with augment your skills you will find a build that will do something OP. I also am traumatized from the years of ESO =-) I have never loves and hated a game so much at the same time lol
Elves might be more dexterous, orcs might be stronger, dwarves might be sturdier.. So an elven ranger might make more damage, but a dwarven one might take a hit more. Imo this should make a difference, but it souldnt make or break a class.
What I think people need to understand is, that a character in Ashes is an investment and you wont be maxlevel in a day or even a week. Decisions matter. Its not a raidgame lobby simulator like WoW, where you will have addons that read every autoattack from the combat log and you will have parses and simulations and all that shit that made mmos worse and worse over the years. Where with every new patch you look at the tier list and swipe to create exactly that character until the next patch.
This is a mmoRPG where you will face many different situations and you wont have the perfect meta build, gear, underwear, whatever for every one of those. If you face the raidboss with your raid without conflict, the glass cannon mage might be the "meta" thing to play but what happens if another raid shows up that tries to steal it and you die to 3 arrows of a ranger?
Idk, I even hope that changing the religion and your other augments, respeccing and all that takes time and money. Maybe then we start to get rid of the meta shit and people start thinking for themselves again. Make their own builds and not just copypasta from your next balding youtuber.
But I guess im just a naive old doomer thats stuck in the good ol days.
many abilities do not work with varied builds
racial bonuses could be inconsequential
these bonuses could fit lore poorly
giving lore accurate bonuses would be imbalanced
Huge downgrade to the world building honestly
How so?
A fantasy game where the vastly different races are mechanically identical makes for a nonsensical approach to the game world both mechanically and narratively.
How is anyone going to say with a straight face that it isn’t weird that a ‘stocky, classic tolkein trope’ dwarf has the same physiological base as a literal animal-person?
Culture doesn’t give you fur and it doesn’t make you half the height of other races.
I get that, but is it fun? This is a game and I have played games like ESO where you are piggin holed into a race because you want to play X class. All of a sudden you have mostly Dwarf Tanks and only Elf casters. I used to love great race abilities. Games often end up toning down these things for balance to the point they dont mean anything. Again, at what point is that fun?
Yes, it’s fun to work within the framework of a complex fantasy world that provides realistic bonuses that differ from one wildly different race to another.
It’s also very strange that you’d cite ESO of all game as restrictive. You can do 99% of all content in that game with whatever race you want. Maybe you won’t be setting top scores in the veteran hardmodes +3 or whatever, but you can absolutely clear that content.
It makes zero sense and is weird that dwarves have no actual difference from elves or tulnar, even elves from each other.
Sure obviously don’t break the damn game with OP racials but they shouldn’t just be reskins all alike with one another.