Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
(sorry to interfere.. I could not resist)
Also, you coulda said "sorry to DERAIL the conversation". Woulda been perfect.
Its so boring already.
This isnt an incorrect use of the term, it is simply a partial understanding of the term. It was used in the manner you are talking about in EQ, though the mob train specifically was the mobs en route to the group - the group would be stationary and a puller (usually a monk) would bring mobs in to the kill zone. Since that was a similar function to a mob train where a player would run from a some in point to a zone out point and just not care about mobs they aggro'd, the term was also used there.
Same with when you feign dead around a group of players while you have a mob train on you, setting them on said players.
A train is, in fact, the mobs. Not the action. I mean, when you see someone running along with 20 boars chasing behind them, all running fairly closely to each other in a line, a train is just what it is (the naming should be obvious).
Now, we can agree that there are three distinct actions where the term "train" is used in an MMO. This makes it one of those things where the same thing has different meanings. From that, we could then agree that a term may be needed to differentiate each meaning - if context is not able to do that (it is, in this case).
However, if we did indeed decide to come up with a term for each of those three situations, what we would not do is use another term that is already in use in MMO's, and mob drop has been in use even longer than mob train. Indeed just the word 'drop' in an MMO context suggests loot is on offer to someone.
As such, even if we were to come up with terms for those three situations where mob train is used (which we are ot, because context has it covered), mob drop would not be one of the terms we would consider, because it is already taken.
how about agro dropping or agro training? which one makes sense.
mob dropping and mob's droppings are 2 different things
you say ding when you level up
In L2, I recall working off karma taking 30-90min, followed by the sin eater quest 1-3 times after (as specific quest to cleanse the pk count ) plus another 1-3x 20min.. So, if AoC will make the grind to work off karma significantly longer and /or harder, I think the novelty and/or utility of pk`ing will be discounted quite quickly and pk`ing will become a rare or a non-event.
- Being trained, for example when I was with a group in a catacomb someone would try to drop a train on us for whatever reason. Whoever saw it would say 'train' and we would all freeze and the trainer would be stuck with the train and sometimes die...served them right.
- Training bots. Gather a group of mobs and use fake death to drop them on a bot, then pick up their drops. Early in L2 I ran a nicely profitable D- and C- grade shots store from crushing the gear dropped by bots and I felt I was also contributing to a cleaner game.
Personally, I don't mind "always on" PVP. Getting killed by pirates keeps things spicy. But I think everyone will benefit if the developers have good data on the kinds of interactions their PVP system allows/encourages.
also, i wouldnt be roleplaying
I certainly plan to roleplay as a heartless arrogant Empyrean merchant warlord who calculates the worth of the livelihood of anyone who is not an ally/family or citizen of the same node before deciding how to interact with them.
Which is notably different from my rl self, in that 'tis not Empyrean.
Point is, help with Corruption testing!
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
Agro training is a term often used for setting a train of mobs on to other players. Specifically when you are using the agro radius of the mobs and not relying on your victim AoE'ing the train.
I try to stay out of threads with "proposal" and "griefing" in the title.
Mob training? SK with agro confusion freezing strike and lightning strike.
Fake death trains. Non of which was a prob for as, as we had a warlord in our party.
How could they have possibly cleansed their corruption that fast? That's not how it works. In reality, you would have forced them to leave the farm spot to go cleanse their corruption for 30 minutes if not longer while you get to continue to farm the spot free of hassle. This is a win. Where's the problem?
So then you deal with the issue. As you say, there is a risk vs. Reward system and you can choose how you want to deal with the situation.
Ok so then they're green again? Same exact point as your first.
There is clearly still risk vs. Reward in what I described, just in a different format vs. the one you're trying to argue for. Your arguments have giant holes in them because you ignore or are ignorant to key systems that exist such as corruption and the time it takes to cleanse it. I recommend reading the wiki or researching it more
I still disagree with your fervor of trying to make Depraved change his phrasing, but I admit that everyone but my circle of people (and apparently Depraved's) uses train to indicate reagroing a ton of mobs onto other people.
Ok, but that's not an effective way of getting rid of someone from the area, you're just "warning them". Sounds like you played with a bunch of care bears who were afraid to fight in a system that rewards fighting. That was not my experience in Archeage. Hardly anyone would just stand there and take it or run like a wimp. Nevertheless, clearly there were flaws in the system you're describing if you were "more often than not" able to get people low and then have mobs finish them off to avoid corruption. Basically, you're advocating for a system you were able to exploit because it benefitted you. Makes sense. Thanks for making my point for me.
Exactly, that's why there's corruption. Corruption is universal and node reputation is local/regional. Node reputation is not meant to fight world crime, that's implied in the word Node and you should know that if you know what a node is.
So now it's a 1v2 situation vs a 1vGroup situation in which the solo player has a better chance of winning and even if they don't, the 2 that killed him still gain corruption. Not sure why the solo player is trying to take on a whole group by themselves, but ok fine that's the scenario you're going with. The same exact thing can be done with the existing corruption system. Where's the issue? And yes, there is a combatant state as I said, it's just used to mark an attacker. Attackers (purple) vs defenders (green).
And they don't know what they're getting into with the current system? Why are you against people knowing what the results are of killing people? What a nonsensical argument
Basically luring large quantities of monsters, may it be with the intention of farming them with your party or literally relogin/Fake Deathing near other people to make the monsters kill them.
Aren't we all sinners?
And again, this was mainly happening against people who decided to not fight back. Those who did fight back would just outrun the mobs and would try to pull me into them too, so that mobs might switch to me. I was talking about a group of people PKing solos (because if they attacked a group, the group would most likely just fight back). You suggested shared corruption to which I said "the group would just have a killer who'd get all the corruption. And maaaybe the party's healer would help out if needed, so he'd get a bit of corruption too".
In the current system there's no corruption sharing so only the killer would get the corruption. I said that the attackers would always become corrupted if they killed their target, even if the target fought back. So functionally there'd be no combatants. Your party got attacked by another party? As long as you just fight back against the flagged players, you don't flag back up and they'll get corruption if you die.
And I never said that people wouldn't know what they're doing. I said the parties who'd be PKing in the current system would most likely PK even more in yours, because the penalties are weaker. So your suggestion would only lead to more "griefing", all while not giving victims a chance to drop less stuff on death.
the tank trained the aggro of the boss, and all the players in the raid died when it attacked them.
the tank dropped the aggro of the boss, and all the players in the raid died when it attacked them.
How about starting to work with your own guild first?
Treat the MMO as a MMO, recruit PVPers... set PVP teams... set a team of people in the guild that goes for roams.
This is good content, you come for the game but you stay because the people, work together with your guildies and friends and fight off the PVPers of the other guilds.
It's not hard, truly is not hard.
Stop whinning about the company doing this or that, ask yourself:
- Am I considering this game as a MMO or a single player in creative mode?
Look the people around you, they are the content, they can fix you up.
- There's a guy here, he killed me last week.... yata yata
Call in the PVPers, call in the assassins, straight off the textbook!
Farm your materials and call the PVPers from your guild, give them a tip, could be just a bit of materials as a reward for their good service to the guild.
It's good content, I promise.
What you can do gameplaywise:
- form alliances with other guilds
- befriend your local PVPers
- gather intel, take down the names, hunt people later
- find people to work together with you or join them
It is not set in stone that your place is being killed over and over, you can easily switch sides and make new frends or make new partnerships.
Neither of these are correct. I mean, you are talking about a different thing now.
If you are working on a raid encounter and the tank unwillingly lost aggro, it isnt a train, and it isnt that the tank dropped aggro. The tank lost aggro, as I said above.
Now, if the tank purposely pulled a mob or a group of mobs, dragged them to the raid and then purposely lost aggro on them (there are a number of ways to do this), you could say your tank trained your raid - or you could just say you are looking for a new tank.
im starting to believe there is no hope for you.
maybe you can understand it like this:
when you are in jail, you dont want to drop the soap
You are starting to believe there is no hope for me?
After discussion, I know what you are talking about. I am attempting to educate you in correct terminology. I don't care what terms you and your friends use among each other, I am trying to teach you the long standing terms that literally tens of millions of people use.
You are the one failing to understand that.
And you claim that you believe there is no hope for me.
ive never changed the language, or terminology, or anything (and btw thats how languages evolve, imagine if that didnt happen)
if i typed here "i dropped a biscuit on my pants, and now i have to change them", you would understand one thing, but a brit would understand something different. who is right and who is wrong? why should one group use the definition of the other group?
what if someone said "top of the morning". should that person stop using that phrase because usa has a bigger population and people dont know what that is?
a group of people agreed on a term and it suck, no matter if that group isnt as big as another one, and thats the term we will keep using. imagine tryign to force someone to speak the way you want...
also, mob training makes sense when you are pulling, but it doesnt when you drop the aggro to kill someone else (lets say using stealth or something similar).
dont bother replying. this is pointless.