Cosmetic Sheathes?

Weapons on the back are a FAR better option than either straight-up disappearing, or the more-common always-in-hand trope we've seen in so many games, in the past.

Since we have cosmetics anyways, why not have cosmetic sheathes? They re-size and re-shape depending on the weapon you possess, like a specific-style of sheathe that grows larger for big swords, smaller for small swords and daggers, and a different "back holster" for things like axes and spears. Sheathes that are black with silver trimmings, silver with gold trim, partial/damaged sheathes, and even just plain, 1st-day adventurer sheathes - just to give a few examples.

Not trying to promote feature creep, or anything. Just wondering if maybe we could have a better sheathe/unsheathe mechanic than MMOs of the past?


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