Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
What would you like to achieve on your first day of play?
For something different!
What would you like to achieve on your first day of play?
What would you like to achieve on your first day of play?
Not beeing disconneted
Not lagging teleporting through the map
Reaching the first settlement/camp and do 1-2 quests.
Alpha2 - not crashing
Launch - smooth performance
- Spend a few hours grinding 1-10 levels in the riverlands so I can get basic gear before departing to explore some of the areas further away from the Divine gates and the population so that I may find myself some favorable loot locations or perhaps just a really pretty freehold location. After that, start hard farming
@akabear You never answered your own post!
this is also what i want
and to farm and make money
Ideally, creating the character.
To be excited again that I slayed a bandit.
That I delivered an important message to a garrison.
That I found better wooden mace so I can do slightly better in the difficult combat.
To find a friend to play around with and do 2 person+ quests.
To sit in an inn and talk to strangers from across the continent, just chat, nothing special.
To win a low lvl duel where I'm backpeddeling like a total noob waiting for my two cooldowns to reset.
To forge my first weapon or armour and use it.
If that day goes this way, all the support, all the effort (money, suggestions) and all the love I put in this project will be worth it.
While I do have very high hopes for the game's systems I don't want the game to reinven the wheel when it comes to the basic stuff, I just want it to do what other classic mmo-rpgs did and do it well.
Just make sure the immersion, the low lvl quests, peacing and the combat difficulty, basic stuff like that, are polished beyond reproach even if you need to delay the game considerably.
This is gonna be me, sprinting towards my preferred node in hopes of outpacing the general populous, so that I miiiiight have the slightest chance to level that node to stage 1 and block out the neighbors.
Then, leveling uninterrupted for 10 hours.
I am pretty sure the character creator will be available before launch... didnt they say that? so people didnt need to feel rushed through it.
Though I'm not sure if we'll get it before then.
What`s the chance this island to have a scientific node?
Pirates could teleport fast to PvP zones..
Would like to roll with about 30-40 of my friends griefing the hell out of the newbie zone for most of the day with throw away characters.
the evil scientist in his evil lair xD
i feel like depraved has eaten a mushroom recently.
i dont do drugs T_T
the island man, with the scientific node...
Pirate castle taking taxes from 20% of the map?
Then trying to defend weekly naval caravans towards them in a full pvp zone?
Definitely some players will run the opposite way on their first day
Running naked and molesting bunnies in the forest? Indeed only the first day is safe for such activities... Later screeshots will be posted on local bulletin boards.
2) Running out to a location to grab a really cool/unique Node-setting. As elves? Probably that island in a lake in the East of the world, that is also then surrounded by and at the center of heavy forrest.