Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Level Brackets for pvp depending on the zone
Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
I play runescape, and in runescape, there is the wilderness, and as you travel farther in the wilderness, the level of the wilderness you are in rises. Allowing people with higher combat levels to attack you the further out you are. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to put a combat level restriction on zones for pvp. example: a level 5 zone would allow players with 5 combat levels higher than you to attack you. thoughts? Just an idea.
There are serious punishments for people that kill passive players, regardless of the lv difference.
There is no need for an extra system.
Smth like "if you were living in node6 but were constantly losing pvp, you can move to node5 and have some type of bonus for doing so (maybe a smaller price on citizenship or discount on purchases within the node or stuff like that)". And then if you keep killing a ton of people within node5 - you'd get some bonuses for moving into node6 (these ones would have to be a bit stronger, to really entice people to move into a more dangerous place).
High lvl nodes will already attract stronger more hardcore people because they have higher lvls of content. And these nodes would also work as funnels for those hardcore players, because the farming locations are limited. So my suggestion would just provide a bonus for the people who lost against a ton of people, so they don't feel as bad, while it would also provide a bonus for those who're strong enough to move up so that they don't just kill everyone in their own node.
Adding brackets would be needed if the bounty hunter system didn't work as intended.
A low lvl player won't be able to grab your mobs, he won't be able to aoe-bait you and we don't have any info on competitive gathering yet so we don't know whether there's a way to "outgather" someone w/o directly engaging with them in pvp. Do hope today's stream will address that point.
I was thinking about low level players using mules to transport rare tier materials between nodes. You do not know what the mule has, isn't it? Will it be safe just because is low level?
I have one small worry though. I feel like mules might've been removed as a concept and were replaced with this
And if this is true, then not only will you see what's being transported, but it would then definitely be a PK bait mechanic, unless there's some limit on who can pull these.
Interesting. I've seen that caravans transport goods in crates and I was wondering if that reduces mules usefulness. So they want to make them mini-caravans and not subject to corruption system?
At least that would solve the material transportation, if mats need crates.
Resources however fit in inventory.
Maybe we should not worry about their transportation but controlling who can harvest them.
low corruption gain for killing a lvl 50 green
and really huge corruption for a level 10.
That being said corruption system should take care of the slaghtering lowbies for example killing somone ur level might give u a 1 corruption point hit but killing somone 20 levels lower than you could be a 40 corruption penalty hit so would you rather kill one person 20 levels lower of 40 people of your own level for example. exact values we dont know yet and thats gonna be the biggest thing wether or not it gonna be a gank box or no world pvp at all i it to high, the trick it to get these corruption penalty/values for x activity in the right spot and we should be good.
the picute makes me think you gonna have to carry a cart around with you when you harvest and load up the cart with logs or raw ore to take to a refinery to make into planks for easier transporting find out tomorrow i guess
btw riding a mule gonna be a huge target because there no reason to use a mule unless your carrying resources between towns and like you said they probaly be the rare kind, so it wouldnt surprise me if people take their chances ganking mule riders to see if they are a loot pinyata or not.
I feel they should make resources a level requirment to transport though to stop people using lvl 1s for example to carry rare max tier items across thinking no one will touch themn due to big corruption penalty. but spose we will find out if thats an issue during testing
sadly the quotations didn't help me convey the exaggeration.
all good. But yeah, I just meant that if someone wants to go around griefing low level players I say let them find out what the limits of corruption are in real time. No need to protect them, especially since low level players are not really losing much when they die. Hell it even serves as a surprise tutorial on how death works
Besides, if a new player gets mad and quits after one encounter like this without at least asking the community whats going on, then I'd say they probably wouldn't like the game period. A high level player ganking a low level player is just as annoying to deal with as a solo player being ganked by 10.