Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
4 ideas to make resources feel more valuable and also reduce ecological griefing
Some ideas on reducing ecological griefing while also making resources feel more meaningful and harder to get.
1. Increase duration of animations for gathering, and add mini games .
2. Reduce inventory capacity or make character move slow when carrying too much. Maybe based on weight. This also increases relevancy of caravans and mules.
3. : Have cargo mules move slowly but add greater inventory capacity. Not as much as caravans though.
4. : Create node ecological crisis events as response to overexplotation. Disturbing events like plague, droughts, land erosion affecting farming, hostile creatures showing up with increased aggresiveness, etc.
1. Increase duration of animations for gathering, and add mini games .
2. Reduce inventory capacity or make character move slow when carrying too much. Maybe based on weight. This also increases relevancy of caravans and mules.
3. : Have cargo mules move slowly but add greater inventory capacity. Not as much as caravans though.
4. : Create node ecological crisis events as response to overexplotation. Disturbing events like plague, droughts, land erosion affecting farming, hostile creatures showing up with increased aggresiveness, etc.
Comments We already have mules. As you said yourself, devs have already mentioned these kinds of things. And world events could definitely be linked to overexploitation of resources.
In other words, pretty much everything that you suggested is either already in the game or doesn't quite address potential issues with the system.
About the inventory capacity I already edited and changed it to reducing it. Had a typing mistake there previously.
As for the mules, I also edited so my suggestion goes along the lines of having them be slow. And their existence justified by the second idea of having inventory capacity reduced.
Ill be real its tough for me lately to read through every single post. As for that one I get the jist of whats being argued. I agree that a well organized group could heavily impact another node via mass gathering. That does not mean that I agree it should be considered griefing. This is something that I believe we have the tools to combat and will make the community of each node try to come together.
Try being the keyword. If it ends up that one guild or alliance are so strong and just shutting out all the other nodes via this, then perhaps we can do some adjustments or put in stop-gaps.
Until we get to engage with the actual mechanics and other players, I am fine not touching the current plan.
PVE is already repetitive by itself, this would only make the experience worse.
1) Minigames will just be a burden for anyone who doesn't use macros. Animation lengths are fine the way they are imo.
2) To the point above moving slowly with more weight—I'd agree only if the player carried more than their stable carry capacity.
3) You don't even know how much mules carry or even the travel time between nodes; how can you ask for buffs/nerfs already?
4) I like this idea.