Node policies and defense against eco-warfare



  • Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited November 2022

    I know, you know... do the people around us know?
    I don't think they know, I think some people will react to this very slowly

    The truth is that whoever overharvests will have a stockpile and will make a lot of gold, then a prohibition will come and this guy will make even more gold

    When I say that in AoC the carebears will be tyrants and oppressors people think I am joking, I'm not joking

    I will be on the sides clapping and repeating "I told you so, see? I told you the carebears are the evil guy, not the pvpers"
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • FrostywombatFrostywombat Member
    edited November 2022
    The over-harvester will probably be the mayor or a mayors friend. Going to be plenty of corruption in the governments. But at least it should be easier to move nodes than in RL so a well managed node should hopefully do well.

    As far as the annoying situation: “You need x number of logs to finish a boat and it gets outlawed.” I would rather risk a bit of poaching than find people just chopping as they spawn so I have to run around chasing the spawns along with everyone else. Sure you could increase the spawn so everyone gets all the lumber u want, but that’s boring “everyone gets a boat”gameplay.

    This game seems to be based around local deficiencies in resources so if u need a lot you have to caravan it in. If you just need a few more then it’s either going to be chasing the spawn or some other mechanic.
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