Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Why I put ideas here?

Why are we doing this?

Do the devs even read this forum?
I never seen anyone reply
PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.


  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    i dont think devs read the forums. community managers, mods do though. then they may pass feedback to steven or the devs.

    but yeah they rarely reply...its mostly just vaknar and mostly when things get too out of control.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    A number of Intrepid folks read the forums.
  • We post so much stuff that there's no way they could gather the good ideas among so much threads and posts

    We have no clue if anything is selectd
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    You need them to call you directly?
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    Why are we doing this?

    Do the devs even read this forum?
    I never seen anyone reply

    If things get really messed up on a topic, with everyone believing something that isn't part of the design, or talking about a real problem that we almost all agree on, every now and then it seems like the Dev in charge of that design might say something. I feel like this has happened a whole twice. (it was appreciated at least by me when it did).

    It could be that it doesn't happen more often because generally, a company in the middle of design will only want one 'face', and if your community is already debating properly, you don't want to get involved.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    We post so much stuff that there's no way they could gather the good ideas among so much threads and posts

    We have no clue if anything is selectd

    lol most of the ideas are ridiculous
  • It feels we are here only generating hype so other people make money
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    It feels we are here only generating hype so other people make money

    Yeah, damn AoC developer carebears, right?
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • Looking at the monthly update, I like to think they read at least the feedback and every now and then interesting posts.
  • Xevan wrote: »
    Looking at the monthly update, I like to think they read at least the feedback and every now and then interesting posts.

    We'll see!
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • TheDarkSorcererTheDarkSorcerer Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2022
    OP, are you new to gaming forums? Just curious.
    1. Developers rarely respond to threads on any gaming forum. And that is understandable.
    2. We have monthly dev updates every month where the community can ask Steven questions.
    3. We are still in a very early stage, so this is actually your time to have you voice be heard. They may not respond, but devs do read. And when i say this is your time, it actually is. Because once game rolls out and thousands and thousands come on this forum, your voice will mostly likely be drowned out by hundreds of other posts.

    "It feels we are here only generating hype so other people make money"
    This is false. Intrepid does not make money from the posts we create on here. This forum is a private platform for members. This forum creates hype WITHIN the community of AoC. YouTube on the other hand creates hype outside of the community.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Ever Seen a little guy called Vaknar post to any threads?
    Neat guy working for Intrepid, reading and posting now and again.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Ever Seen a little guy called Vaknar post to any threads?
    Neat guy working for Intrepid, reading and posting now and again.
    Arya tends to ping Vaknar in every other thread, if not every thread.
  • Ever Seen a little guy called Vaknar post to any threads?
    Neat guy working for Intrepid, reading and posting now and again.

    Yes, I see him posting threads, then I dont see him anywhere
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited November 2022
    NiKr wrote: »
    Ever Seen a little guy called Vaknar post to any threads?
    Neat guy working for Intrepid, reading and posting now and again.
    Arya tends to ping Vaknar in every other thread, if not every thread.

    I do pinged him, but i did maybe 3-4 times, he never showed up tough which is fine
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • OP, are you new to gaming forums? Just curious.
    1. Developers rarely respond to threads on any gaming forum. And that is understandable.
    2. We have monthly dev updates every month where the community can ask Steven questions.
    3. We are still in a very early stage, so this is actually your time to have you voice be heard. They may not respond, but devs do read. And when i say this is your time, it actually is. Because once game rolls out and thousands and thousands come on this forum, your voice will mostly likely be drowned out by hundreds of other posts.

    "It feels we are here only generating hype so other people make money"
    This is false. Intrepid does not make money from the posts we create on here. This forum is a private platform for members. This forum creates hype WITHIN the community of AoC. YouTube on the other hand creates hype outside of the community.

    No, in my experience devs barely never show up, there's rumors some read the forums sometimes

    I am questioning this because I got interested in AoC through Steven's interview, I liked him before I start knowing AoC, he said so many stuff in the interview I identify with

    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • BaSkA_9x2BaSkA_9x2 Member, Alpha Two
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    Why are we doing this?

    Why do people use twitter?
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    Do the devs even read this forum?

    It's been said in the past that, at least on the official threads, community managers go through comments, compile the similar/popular ideas/suggestions and present them to the devs, probably in a monthly meeting.

    Also, if Intrepid ever fucks something up and the majority of the community starts complaining, they will hopefully revise their choices.
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    NiKr wrote: »
    Ever Seen a little guy called Vaknar post to any threads?
    Neat guy working for Intrepid, reading and posting now and again.
    Arya tends to ping Vaknar in every other thread, if not every thread.

    I do pinged him, but i did maybe 3-4 times, he never showed up tough which is fine

    Proof he never showed up and read the thread?
    or you just think that because he didn't respond?

    Go watch the streams several times Steven has talked about falling asleep phone in hand reading the forums and reddit. I have personally interacted with him in Discord during A1.

    I have seen Vaknar respond in thread several times. They don't need to respond to you every time you post.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    My dude Steven doesn't even have time to learn how his skills work or how to play the game before each demo video. This poor man ain't got no time for us forum dwellers.

    Look at him! He can't even put his glasses on right anymore!

    Commissioned at
  • Alright, good to know, thanks all.
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    To be fair Sturgeon's law applies very heavily to the forums. Them not taking time to answer every thread is a good thing. I would much rather see them doing their thing and just keeping the forums from becoming a true dumpster fire.
    There have also been times in the passed where Steven used to reply in here as well. Been a while but that is probably a good thing as he tends to get excited and start talking about stuff they don't want to reveal yet. Is hard for them to change something they found later wasn't going to work but Steven said something and then the trolls freak out.

    But, but Stevens said so. :'('s_law
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • FrostywombatFrostywombat Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2022
    Because I enjoy thinking and chatting about hypothetical game design. Also not playing a mmo atm. Bored of wow, can’t be bothered with FF as the pvp looks lame and nothing else has au servers.
  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited November 2022
    I'm pretty sure the problem with Steven or anyone from IS responding to a thread is that it changes the thread. It impacts what players will say. If Steven wants to see what players think, it is best to let the players talk.
  • VyrilVyril Member, Alpha Two
    Let's be honest. It's the same 20 posters everyday. Unless the topic is new, or new blood. Barely anything different is being brought up.
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    I'll be honest here though. Sometimes I feel like it's a waste of time to post here because anything I post either falls flat with no responses or theres an immediate flaw with what im saying that I didnt see before posting or flat out "No" is the response.
    But I just stop posting when I feel like that and ghost until i see something I do want to talk about again.
    Commissioned at
  • Sathrago wrote: »
    I'll be honest here though. Sometimes I feel like it's a waste of time to post here because anything I post either falls flat with no responses or theres an immediate flaw with what im saying that I didnt see before posting or flat out "No" is the response.
    But I just stop posting when I feel like that and ghost until i see something I do want to talk about again.

    They read the posts for sure.
    But to give feedback to everybody is time consuming.
    They have pinned threads where they ask for our oppinion.
    Vaknar even posted on my first post/thread on the forum.
    Maybe I was lucky :smile:
    But I don't want him posting on each thread. I think he does an amazing job.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited November 2022
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    Why are we doing this?

    Do the devs even read this forum?
    I never seen anyone reply

    Haven't read any of the thread, just replying to this post.

    We post here to talk amongst ourselves. We do not - and should not - assume Intrepid will take anything at all that we say seriously.

    Intrepid are staffed with actual educated, experienced MMORPG developers (and amateur creative lead, but what ever). The very notion that any non-educated (at least in the appropriate field), inexperienced person could come up with an idea that is better than what the educated, experienced team at Intrepid could come up with is pure arrogance.

    Of course they know what they should do better than we know what they should do. Any other notion is utterly ridiculous.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    No Dev has ever said anything with a weight in forums, except for announcing something.
    You also need to do 2 things:
    Understand where the game is going to by watching old dev updates. I would check everything till last year.
    Then you need to either come to terms with what they do, point out problems with design based on what THEY DO and make suggestions.

    Or go the way another guy has. Being in total denial and then QQing to milf some attention.

    I for one disagree with things related to classes weapons abilities mounts and animations. But I dont disagree with any of the foundational mechanics. And I get annoyed when I see people trying to change the basics; trying to turn AoC into yet another wow eso ff14.

    Dont expect replies from the devs, they have work to do. Their "replies" to feedback are shown through the Dev progress on the monthly updates.
    And also, community managers arent devs.
    They only make announcements and read what we type here. Some of that might make it to the Devs.

    Big content creators also read what we type here. I see it, especially in their recent videos. That gets Stevens attention.

    So, do what you will.
  • Big content creators also read what we type here.
    I downvote their videos whenever I am upset what they say.
    I hope they read this :smile:
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
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