Let us absorb the beauty of the game in our eyeballs and earballs!

BotagarBotagar Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
New world had some absolutely stunning areas in the game, so naturally the devs crafted a story that let us spend time in these areas..... lol naaah.... we spent like 5 minutes at most in those underground angry earth areas before being moved on into a swamp.

Please devs and story designers, if you make zones that are visually and aurally stunning, let us spend time there. Let these places have safe(r) spots that let us sit and take in the zone. Let the stories unravel in the stunning vistas of these lovingly crafted zones.

Or give us an invincibility mode that allows us to run around the world and rp...... /ₛ


  • Important, level agnostic zones, will help keep some of the most visually stunning areas relevant. Let's hope they figure out the magic sauce that keeps players returning to spectacular features.
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