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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Hardcore pvp. (open world)
ever since i played Tibia in the past (current version is very bad)
i can't find a mmorpg even close to it, and i still feel a hole unable to fill.
some games came a bit close, like albion, runescape (style), runes of magic with the pve + pvp style it also had open world and loot drop etc, but basicly no game can hit the spot Tibia in the past did.
it was for hardcore players, and i ment there was griefing possible too.
but in a way that it was also manage able and that it added so much value to the game.
the core basics were:
you lvl up playing pve (killing monsters etc)
you LOSE lvl when you die
lvl 60 could beat lvl 20 easy so lvling up is worth it (no lvl cap)
you LOSE items when dieing so yeah the pvp was intens (bag and sometimes equip pieces)
there was a skull system white skull 3 kills max a day and people can attack you without negatives, red skull for 30 days when you go on rampage and then you lose defends and lose all items etc
open world pve + pvp.
anyways without explaining the full game,
the combination made it HARDCORE, like the game MENT ALOT. it wasn't like oh i don't care, every thing you did had meaning.
the PVE was worth it alot because you get stronger in pvp, and the pvp ment alot because you could dominate in pve.
there was ALOT social interaction because the game was fully alive, PVE teams, PKing, ambush groups, big wars between guilds, people trying to dominate the world, sneaky people creating secret account to counter, just ALOT things going on. and EVERY thing you did had meaning.
from looting good items, to lvling up your char, to finally hit you being strong to use it in pvp, just everything quests too.
yes it was for people who could take a punch, it happend alot that you spend time lvling up and then dieing losing lvl and equip. but that only creates the meaning and value of the game. you could even spend a month lvling up and then picking a fight with the wrong guy who had alot friends and you could become Hunted (that they follow you everywhere you go to kill you).
anyways, is it possible that Ashes of Creation makes a server for more hardcore people?
i just can't find a game even close to Tibia in the past.
my heart
i miss it so much.
seems mmorpg's cant hit the spot of PVP and PVE COMBINED anymore, like albion too much pvp looking like LoL and WOW just only PVE (with soft pvp like area's not open world and not losing lvl and items)
you needed skill in pvp, but for me personally the fun was too that you could just become stronger in pvp by grinding pve, like even if a lvl 20 had skill you could easy kill him as lvl 60.
that hitted the spot too that the combination pve and pvp was worth alot.
Pewdiepie video about Tibia: /watch?v=RqGnkfDhmtQ
and just watch some Old tibia youtube video's to get the idea.
please just one company make a game like this, comeon all game makers are so bad these days.. CIPSOFT (makers of Tibia) also got greedy and ruined the game milking it.
they also made it possible to not lose items in pvp later and that ruined so much too.. making pvp way less worth it and therefor not really worth pve anymore since yeah you lvl 100 now what, for what puprose did you lvl up..
just the combination pvp and pve you don't see these days anymore.. yeah albion comes close but it's basicly soft version and idk, seems more then LoL then mmorpg to me.. i think because they lack lvl system i hate it, yeah you can lvl up those weird systems like lvling up gear, but man that is boring.. i prefer so much just lvl like seeing a lvl 80 on your screen and go oh shit better get out of here or watch carefull where this is going.
or you being lvl 80 and seeing a lvl 40 thinking you are the boss and then his friends show up 5 ppl of lvl 40 and they go after you. the thrills man!
the game did not have good graphics, but that does not care AT ALL, since the intensity of the game was so high your imagination did the rest.
tbh, i even like the graphics over those high quality mmorpgs.
made it simple and clear.
so yeah, PLEASE, just one company make a game like Tibia, for god sake, there is a market there for SURE, Tibia was in early computer days not like today and people got hooked so much, they had premium system (worth it to pay money for) like some bucks each month. and how many people have computers these days and playing games for sure a company is missing a diamond in the market here.
all these games today have so little meaning, Tibia HIT the golden spot that it was so much worth and meaning.
okay my rant is over,
ever since i played Tibia in the past (current version is very bad)
i can't find a mmorpg even close to it, and i still feel a hole unable to fill.
some games came a bit close, like albion, runescape (style), runes of magic with the pve + pvp style it also had open world and loot drop etc, but basicly no game can hit the spot Tibia in the past did.
it was for hardcore players, and i ment there was griefing possible too.
but in a way that it was also manage able and that it added so much value to the game.
the core basics were:
you lvl up playing pve (killing monsters etc)
you LOSE lvl when you die
lvl 60 could beat lvl 20 easy so lvling up is worth it (no lvl cap)
you LOSE items when dieing so yeah the pvp was intens (bag and sometimes equip pieces)
there was a skull system white skull 3 kills max a day and people can attack you without negatives, red skull for 30 days when you go on rampage and then you lose defends and lose all items etc
open world pve + pvp.
anyways without explaining the full game,
the combination made it HARDCORE, like the game MENT ALOT. it wasn't like oh i don't care, every thing you did had meaning.
the PVE was worth it alot because you get stronger in pvp, and the pvp ment alot because you could dominate in pve.
there was ALOT social interaction because the game was fully alive, PVE teams, PKing, ambush groups, big wars between guilds, people trying to dominate the world, sneaky people creating secret account to counter, just ALOT things going on. and EVERY thing you did had meaning.
from looting good items, to lvling up your char, to finally hit you being strong to use it in pvp, just everything quests too.
yes it was for people who could take a punch, it happend alot that you spend time lvling up and then dieing losing lvl and equip. but that only creates the meaning and value of the game. you could even spend a month lvling up and then picking a fight with the wrong guy who had alot friends and you could become Hunted (that they follow you everywhere you go to kill you).
anyways, is it possible that Ashes of Creation makes a server for more hardcore people?
i just can't find a game even close to Tibia in the past.
my heart

seems mmorpg's cant hit the spot of PVP and PVE COMBINED anymore, like albion too much pvp looking like LoL and WOW just only PVE (with soft pvp like area's not open world and not losing lvl and items)
you needed skill in pvp, but for me personally the fun was too that you could just become stronger in pvp by grinding pve, like even if a lvl 20 had skill you could easy kill him as lvl 60.
that hitted the spot too that the combination pve and pvp was worth alot.
Pewdiepie video about Tibia: /watch?v=RqGnkfDhmtQ
and just watch some Old tibia youtube video's to get the idea.
please just one company make a game like this, comeon all game makers are so bad these days.. CIPSOFT (makers of Tibia) also got greedy and ruined the game milking it.
they also made it possible to not lose items in pvp later and that ruined so much too.. making pvp way less worth it and therefor not really worth pve anymore since yeah you lvl 100 now what, for what puprose did you lvl up..
just the combination pvp and pve you don't see these days anymore.. yeah albion comes close but it's basicly soft version and idk, seems more then LoL then mmorpg to me.. i think because they lack lvl system i hate it, yeah you can lvl up those weird systems like lvling up gear, but man that is boring.. i prefer so much just lvl like seeing a lvl 80 on your screen and go oh shit better get out of here or watch carefull where this is going.
or you being lvl 80 and seeing a lvl 40 thinking you are the boss and then his friends show up 5 ppl of lvl 40 and they go after you. the thrills man!
the game did not have good graphics, but that does not care AT ALL, since the intensity of the game was so high your imagination did the rest.
tbh, i even like the graphics over those high quality mmorpgs.
made it simple and clear.
so yeah, PLEASE, just one company make a game like Tibia, for god sake, there is a market there for SURE, Tibia was in early computer days not like today and people got hooked so much, they had premium system (worth it to pay money for) like some bucks each month. and how many people have computers these days and playing games for sure a company is missing a diamond in the market here.
all these games today have so little meaning, Tibia HIT the golden spot that it was so much worth and meaning.
okay my rant is over,
I wouldnt mind a medieval survival game. But mmos are not survival games. Survival games have limited, but detailed systems. And they are great
Mmos have much more than what survivals focus on. I've explained that before, I cant be bothered again, but basically mmos cover a lot more than find items, kill, loot items.
With common sense you will see that there is no point for multiple rules for different servers. That's not what they want to offer.
Try Mortal 2
Tibia is a multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 1997,[1] developed and published by CipSoft. It is one of the earliest and longest-running MMORPGs,
also alot games do different rules in different servers, so what is the problem?
and basicly Tibia was in the early days it was made from students and i think because it was so new and experimental etc it had alot exploit but it happend to be those exploits made it ALOT more fun!
everything controlled can turn alot magic off
There will be plenty of open world PvP in Ashes, @Bokkie … just don’t expect to force your niche playstyle onto everyone else.
Or this game might just not be for you and that is ok.
I bet you are gonna play when it releases. 100%.
But Im glad that you dropped out on this matter so quickly. Most ppl bang on for years, despite all the evidence against their desired designs, which polute the front page and derail topics.
all i get is negative reactions, even tho like Pewdiepie big gaming youtuber told that was his favorite game, i mean if he picks it over all the other games way above, way above WoW etc then maybe you should give some credits to thought instead instant rejecting...
i think in ashes of creations a bit more like Tibia the pvp is possible, in Runes of magic early days there was great pvp too that you lose items and it was a bit more fun in the high graphic mmorpg scene.
iam just explaining that Tibia was way more hardcore and all the people who knew the game got hooked and all loved the game as in best game ever..
it was not a VERY known game, but litterly all who knew loved it as the best game ever.
and iam just throwing in the world the concept of it that it's missing from the market and believe me IF a company copy's the game rules it will hit a gold mine.
there are different game concepts like LoL, Albion, WoW, etc etc..
but still nothing that hit it like Old Tibia..
The PVP and PVE combined was so extreme good in a way that everything ment something..
and the risk reward system Ashes of creations talks about was different in Tibia as in the risk was already build in from the start (losing lvl and items when dieing). that way the WHOLE GAME was rewarding.
todays mmorpg's are just so soft, seperate area for pvp or not losing anything so whats the point..
even shooter games combine pvp with pve, like COD grinding camo's.
you need some purpose for killing people too and the other way around you need some puprose too for lvling up in the game.
iam just searching and searching for a game that comes a bit close..
and since alot game makers make a game based on experience they had playing games it sucks that Tibia wasn't that well known..
it's like today you either have only PVE with a bit pvp concept like WoW, or only pvp with bit PVE like LoL, nothing really good combined.
Albion comes a bit close but then it's missing still alot PVE concepts like grinding and lvling
just nothing fits the hole Tibia made
it had all the pve concepts too, quests, lvling grinding, looting, mounts, outfits, raids(bit different), bosses, houses, just basicly all the fun stuff
basicly it was really role playing too so you got attached to your char too (made the pvp even more worth it)
I am also nostalgic for some old harcore PvP games.
I played T4C for several years, on full loot PvP servers. But the MMO community has aged and matured. On the other hand, less and less players are willing to have their progress permanently slowed down by drops and XP losses.
Personally, I wouldn't have the time to go and find a full gear that I lost one morning before going to work. MMO full loots PvP hardcore belong to the past.
lets hope it will be in future too then, retirement plan i dont wanna go rocking some old chair xD
or atleast let a game like that exist and that people can atleast tap into it that it's their responsability for not getting addicted etc
since in Tibia you had the same, but it balanced out..
since if you have little time, you probally have less lvl, and that means you play the PVE on different level with like lower equip, and the higher levels wont be that interested in you to kill you..
yes you had alot griefing and people would kill for fun, but it balanced out too that those people would become hunted, and you could join a neutral guild where people back eachother up.
the thing is situations like that make the game very worth it since it means something the risk, but yeah those situations happend alot, that you loot a good item only to lose it day after when some1 kills you..
maybe other way around then, that you have a server with rules no losses..
if you are very scared of being killed you could manage still to survive with some smart playstyle like lvling in a less populair hunting spot etc
only thing could happen then is an ambush group but that was bit more rare and most times you made some1 hate you if they come after you with more people.
or you just had unluck that they killed you because of the skull system most times those group would attract people killing them.
Not that I'm against additional server types. Personally, I think that it would be better to create at least a few servers for specific types of players. But the guy who is paying for the game has been very clear about only one server type so far.
That’s based on the psychologies of the player population from server to server, not because of variations in the rule sets.
maybe isn't so bad idea at all to make different server with more hardcore pvp.
else might happen that you lvl up a char and become attached only to find out you joined a boring server..
is the too much is actually less theory.
and i ment with your combat options (spells, weapons, runes etc)
if you have so many options, things wont be control able (only if you study the game for too long maybe)
making you play the game feeling like not knowing wtf is going on.
Albion went over the line in my opinion..
in Tibia you had overview and knew always what was going on, like they had alot options, but not so many that you don't know all of them.
they made it so that the options you had, you could strenghten, instead adding more spells etc..
this way you have a sense of control over the fight.
But then, with hardcore system on all servers, the game would attract fewer players overall.