How Will People Make IRL $ Relevant?
Even though Ashes will be "non p2w", i'm sure there will be "black market" ways to spend real money in game. What are some of the things that you guys can see people trying to pay real world money for in game? Accounts will definitely be sold regardless if it breaks tos, what else?
we will never know, people can go creative
The only thing we can do is not be afraid of snitching and give these people (offering money or asking for it) what they deserve: a perma-ban. As well as keeping your communication with other players to written messaging within the game so they don’t have a chance to offer you or ask you for money without opening themselves up to chat log evidence.
The only thing we can do is realize that RMT only really negatively affects the bottom line of the company, and to not be bootlickers who work for the company for free.
If their profits get threatened by RMT, it's not the job of the players to do something about it
flying mounts
super powerful gear
While I certainly don’t think players need to become private investigators, the intrepid GMs will not be omnipotent. Being able to report people when we see or hear suspicious behavior that negatively impacts the game space is the right thing to do as a member of a community.
It may impact the bottom line of the company first, but what then? The company has less money to make the game better. If you think developers are gonna eat the cost of RMTs in their products and keep working just as hard with just as many employees, you’re sorely mistaken. This is a cause and effect cycle that starts with the players and eventually ends with the players.