Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
How about unlocks based on guildperformance?
Just watched a little of the blue protocal show piece and it got me thinking.
Always liked in L2 how when our guild owned a castle how it unlocked a boss we would never have otherwise been able to encounter..
So how about quests, bosses, events that unlock based on guild or even alliance performance?
Such unlocks could seen as rewards that lean towards various play styles of the group (not the individual) and based on
- longest, most active wars
- highest number of netorious players
- highest sustained kill/death ratio
- greatest number of open world bosses taken down
- longest castle continuously held
- opposite to pvp, least number of active wars
- longest neutral play
- greatest wealth gathering
- strongest guild participation
- largest player retention rate
You get the idea, different unlocks for different channels of game play?
Always liked in L2 how when our guild owned a castle how it unlocked a boss we would never have otherwise been able to encounter..
So how about quests, bosses, events that unlock based on guild or even alliance performance?
Such unlocks could seen as rewards that lean towards various play styles of the group (not the individual) and based on
- longest, most active wars
- highest number of netorious players
- highest sustained kill/death ratio
- greatest number of open world bosses taken down
- longest castle continuously held
- opposite to pvp, least number of active wars
- longest neutral play
- greatest wealth gathering
- strongest guild participation
- largest player retention rate
You get the idea, different unlocks for different channels of game play?
I guess driver was thinking to drive opportunities for those that pursue different play styles and become exemplorary at them.. be that good or evil, agressive or passive..
I believe that right now, there are many rewards for strong guilds, like owning the castle itself and everything it comes with. I also think achievemenst that unlock trophy and statues you can showoff from your castle so even non-guild players can see, that would be cool! you already get many "unofficial" rewards like dominating node elections for mayor status, and dominating a region with economy and pvp.
But I wouldnt be for exclusive content just for the top guilds. That would just increase the gap between them and the majority of the player base, making it even harder for anyone to reach their level. And it prevents most players from accessing something which they have barely any control over. Not everyone wants to be a part of a top guild but every1 should have acerss to the same content as long as they are good/strong enough to face the challenges/quests/raids, etc.
Guild Wars 2 has good dailies, GW2 system is about diversifying your guild's activities and I'm in for that
but castle owners will already have access to content others don't o-o
there will be winners and losers in this game. if you don't win at something, you always have a chance at winning at a different activity. also, access to content in aoc will be gated by players themselves.
there's no reason why giving access to all content to everybody all the time is better than not doing so. it all depends on what type of game you want.
Expect Everquest Raid gate. Not everyone gets to do raids or even get a whiff of it.
Mob Tag and DPS race will be king and only the organized guilds / players will achieve that and lock others out of it.
this right here. No need to give a snowballing mechanic to players who are already at the top