If you have $375 to spend, sure. The development doesn't require any financial support, so it is completely up to you, your answer will have 0 impact on AOC overall. Right now that package gives you nothing since the game has not released its Alpha 2 yet. Someday it will and if you have the package you will get to play it, but its just an Alpha so it will be buggy and have balancing issues etc.
It all boils down to, do you want to test a game that is still in development and designing core features for $375 sometime in the next year or 2?
Yes, it's worth it if you want to have the most toxic player experience in a fantasy game ever. Come join us in the game that's not made for everyone and that's OK.
don't forget to add players who are masochist who enjoys toxic players being toxic towards them. Why are you still here? The facts been stated to you, and yet you're still here. So now you choose to engage and be toxic to those who are looking forward to a game made for them?
"come join us..." I guess you did and accepted the toxicity and displaying in return. Grats you level up. The irony
{UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
C'mon who are you lying to - all it takes is for everyone to see your post history and your entitlement issue. Don't back peddle. Speak with your chest and stand behind your words cause that was all legit from you.
{UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
You get 135$ worth of playtime and 125$ worth of ingame currency for cosmetics so 260$ you basically "keep them", the rest 115 $ are a mix of cosmetics and access to alpha/beta, if you are sure you are going to enjoy the game then i think its a good deal, if you are not sure then you should only buy it if you have 375$ to spare. 375$ for a game is a huge investment only do it if you wont miss those 375$.
Depends on what value you are expecting for the money. Do you think it just means you get to 'play' early? The test phases aren't demos, they are tests to see how much is broken.
Only buy into the testing phases if you want to actually help test the game while its being made. Dont buy it if you just want to play it early.
This sums it up, best.
Unlike a lot of MMOs, AoC's Alphas and Betas are NOT intended as early looks at the game. They'll no doubt provide a look at the things that will be in-game - but certainly not in their entirety; There are certain things like Lore that the Creative Director wants you to first experience only upon release.
Folks like yours truly are genuinely interested in testing the different systems the game will sport, in order to ensure that they are as well-rounded as possible, before release. It's essentially a chance to break stuff, so that it's fixed before launch.
Yes it is because of what it includes: 5 unique skins only available as pre-order, 9 months of post-release gameplay, more or less 1-2 years of PRE-release gameplay (alpha(s) + betas), bonus lifetime access to Public test realms servers (post-release alpha) (although these might also be accessible to regular players but I think not).
It really depends on how you evaluate the extra caravan/ship and the building skins. To me, the Alpha 2 is really what I am interested in, and if the pet/mount pair is to my liking, icing on the cake. So, I plan to limit my investment to the Voyager package to pay the minimum price to get into Alpha 2.
Personally, I really liked the green cloak a few months ago, paid into the Wayfarer package, and plan to wait to upgrade to the Voyager package until the last minute unless they release an extraordinary pet/mount skin pair in the next few months.
If you believe the caravan/ship and building skins are worth the Voyager Plus, go for it.
That can only be determined by you. Much of that cost is for the unique cosmetics, so even to the individual the "value" will change month-to-month based on whether or not they like the unique cosmetics.
I dislike the package I got when I bought in. I thought the package was THE Package. I was so new to the party that I didn't realise the cosmetics changed each month. I don't regret my purchase because I managed to upgrade further but I think the shop should have explained a little better what I was buying back in 2018.
It all boils down to, do you want to test a game that is still in development and designing core features for $375 sometime in the next year or 2?
don't forget to add players who are masochist who enjoys toxic players being toxic towards them. Why are you still here? The facts been stated to you, and yet you're still here. So now you choose to engage and be toxic to those who are looking forward to a game made for them?
"come join us..." I guess you did and accepted the toxicity and displaying in return. Grats you level up. The irony
now that's sarcasm.
C'mon who are you lying to - all it takes is for everyone to see your post history and your entitlement issue. Don't back peddle. Speak with your chest and stand behind your words cause that was all legit from you.
This sums it up, best.
Unlike a lot of MMOs, AoC's Alphas and Betas are NOT intended as early looks at the game. They'll no doubt provide a look at the things that will be in-game - but certainly not in their entirety; There are certain things like Lore that the Creative Director wants you to first experience only upon release.
Folks like yours truly are genuinely interested in testing the different systems the game will sport, in order to ensure that they are as well-rounded as possible, before release. It's essentially a chance to break stuff, so that it's fixed before launch.
Personally, I really liked the green cloak a few months ago, paid into the Wayfarer package, and plan to wait to upgrade to the Voyager package until the last minute unless they release an extraordinary pet/mount skin pair in the next few months.
If you believe the caravan/ship and building skins are worth the Voyager Plus, go for it.