IS it possible to know who are gold sellers and be able to take action against them?
Question same as title, I've had some discussion and some people feel it's not possible to find out who are gold seller or people that grind on other accounts for farm for real world money.
Wondering how viable to stop it or are there effective methods to catch people doing this type of thing? I'm definitely against it but it feels hard to catch people when you can trade between each other for any reason.
Happy to hear methods that might be used already or ideas.
Wondering how viable to stop it or are there effective methods to catch people doing this type of thing? I'm definitely against it but it feels hard to catch people when you can trade between each other for any reason.
Happy to hear methods that might be used already or ideas.
Outside of that (and obviously banning anyone in chat yelling about selling gold), I'm not sure if there's other good ways of knowing for sure if someone's a gold seller.
I wouldn't underestimate them on not knowing the secrets out there. We can all say dent say anything and act like they don't already know things.
Then how about this question what ways do the currently use to bypass things to be able to make their money and sell gold.
Bounty Hunter's have to live too