Size Matters
The size of enemy mobs matters to me. Now this may be personal preference but...
When I see an 8ft tall, 600lbs bull man I want him to be quite a threat. I understand they contextualized the minotaur as solo content, I'm just hoping it could become slightly higher level solo content. The size of mobs should be some indicator of their difficulty, its just physics. Outside say a beached whale, size should correspond to danger.
If I am fighting a 600lbs bull man with fully articulated arms and legs, that should be a task for the experienced warrior. level 15 of 50 seems a bit low for such a strong creature to be dispatched so easily.
Then moving onto the ghost armoured knights -- they are believable as elite (group content) mobs, how does one kill a magical cloud clad in steel?
My only issue lies with the boss version, and the in world reasoning relating to it. Now the boss outside some model differences appears to have just had its size slider pushed up to x4 I understand the need for visual clarity that its the boss, but if these are former soldiers that have befallen a terrible curse, or atleast their armour being inhabited by wraiths, how big was the guy who whore that armour in life? Their head alone would have been a sight to behold! Not very believable, its looks gamey not in a good way.
If weak mobs are too large, then there is a diminshed sense of awe when we see that giant cyclops rampaging in the distant tree line. Visible progression isnt just important for player gear it is important for the enemies we face.
I understand these mobs may be place holder, they are just the things that have had their models and animation work completed, futhermore they are showing content at a low character level to not give away the whole game (plus they are figuring out class design still)
None the less, I just want to register this concern, as content and enemies continue to be made I want the devs to consider: visually, how powerful is this mob and where should it slot into the leveled progression?
When I see an 8ft tall, 600lbs bull man I want him to be quite a threat. I understand they contextualized the minotaur as solo content, I'm just hoping it could become slightly higher level solo content. The size of mobs should be some indicator of their difficulty, its just physics. Outside say a beached whale, size should correspond to danger.
If I am fighting a 600lbs bull man with fully articulated arms and legs, that should be a task for the experienced warrior. level 15 of 50 seems a bit low for such a strong creature to be dispatched so easily.
Then moving onto the ghost armoured knights -- they are believable as elite (group content) mobs, how does one kill a magical cloud clad in steel?
My only issue lies with the boss version, and the in world reasoning relating to it. Now the boss outside some model differences appears to have just had its size slider pushed up to x4 I understand the need for visual clarity that its the boss, but if these are former soldiers that have befallen a terrible curse, or atleast their armour being inhabited by wraiths, how big was the guy who whore that armour in life? Their head alone would have been a sight to behold! Not very believable, its looks gamey not in a good way.
If weak mobs are too large, then there is a diminshed sense of awe when we see that giant cyclops rampaging in the distant tree line. Visible progression isnt just important for player gear it is important for the enemies we face.
I understand these mobs may be place holder, they are just the things that have had their models and animation work completed, futhermore they are showing content at a low character level to not give away the whole game (plus they are figuring out class design still)
None the less, I just want to register this concern, as content and enemies continue to be made I want the devs to consider: visually, how powerful is this mob and where should it slot into the leveled progression?
As for the "same mob but bigger", Steven did say that the named mobs will have special visuals. And I do think that "big but weak mob" could be explained in-lore by different effects of essence and corruption on the mobs. Some mobs could have become stronger, some bigger, some faster, some might've gotten particular resistances. And then harder mobs could have combinations of those effects, with bosses having most or all of them (which would also make their huge size "logical").