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Tanking. How do you feel tanking is coming along for ashes?

SO...recently watched the dev blog regarding tanking, and while not a huge tank player myself wanted to get a feel on how the players feel about the state of it. As we all know Tanks are a key players in standard MMO formula. For my Tanks in the forums do you feel tanking is headed in the right direction?


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    Tank "mains" are irrelevant, the class has to be suitable for all and most importantly the game, usually their opinions are closed minded pretty close minded as they fondly remember the past of "their" golden era of mmo'ing.

    Either way, this topic is discussed to death in a few threads, why make your own?
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    Have a long way to go
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    It's difficult to judge when we haven't seen past level 15.
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    need to play to say how i feel. the showcase looked ok, but I need to see 2 things:
    1. how a tank feels in a party in a dungeon with open pvp
    2. the leveling process from 1+
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    BladedanceBladedance Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I’ve played as. Tank for years in various games. My biggest issues with how Ashes is implementing it is the tank doesn’t seem to be able to hold aggro and there is no rescue taunt to get aggro off a team member. From what I’ve seen the health pool and defense seems right so far though. I also think the taunt should be able to be used in PVP.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.
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    Even we saw a preview, it's too early
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    Definitely too early yeah.
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    SpifSpif Member
    The Tower preview was mostly Steven looking around but not tanking (which is fine for a preview), even though he was the tank.

    I'm pretty sure there will be a cooldown based taunt for groups and raids, but holding threat should not be faceroll-easy. Tanks will have to work at aggro, and DPS will have to not derp their way around the map aggroing stuff. This all ties in to making the game be challenging. Good play in groups will be needed unless you're over level/gear

    Right now the biggest thing that is "off" regarding threat is the way everything makes a beeline for the healer due to the healer having to use AE heals because of cooldowns.
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    edited April 2023
    i think tanks in general should be suited with skills for pulling aggro, breaking through cc, stop bleedings, using shields that can completely block damage for 2-3 seconds etc
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    SolvrynSolvryn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited April 2023
    SO...recently watched the dev blog regarding tanking, and while not a huge tank player myself wanted to get a feel on how the players feel about the state of it. As we all know Tanks are a key players in standard MMO formula. For my Tanks in the forums do you feel tanking is headed in the right direction?

    In all honesty, they need to implement the basics of combat before even going further with classes.
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    NemesesNemeses Member
    edited April 2023
    IMO, needs to be able to generate threat better, seems like there is no way to pull mobs off the group, or regain threat.
    As to PvP, should just add a 20/30% debuff if tank is not attacked (give tank the option of casting this on attackers)
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    SO...recently watched the dev blog regarding tanking, and while not a huge tank player myself wanted to get a feel on how the players feel about the state of it. As we all know Tanks are a key players in standard MMO formula. For my Tanks in the forums do you feel tanking is headed in the right direction?

    it looks like a pve only class.
    no mobility, abilities that incentivize ignoring them instead of the opposite.
    not looking good for pvpers
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    VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    edited April 2023
    ICYMI, be sure to check out the official feedback thread on the Tank Archetype here:
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