Alpha 2 announcement before or after removal of A2 key packs?
So, I'm holding off on buying a key pack because I have no idea what my gaming situation will be when A2 drops. However, if they announce A2 tomorrow, I'd buy the $250 pack to play and test.
Will we get a warning before the A2 keys are removed from the store, assuming they do get removed?
Basically I don't want to spend money on something that gets me nothing for...possibly...years.
Will we get a warning before the A2 keys are removed from the store, assuming they do get removed?
Basically I don't want to spend money on something that gets me nothing for...possibly...years.
Unlikely. Not even sure if there will be a server per region. Apocalypse was centred in USA for all.
Account sharing is against the TOS so they'd need their own
It'd be upto intrepids interpretation of sharing. Some games allow family to log in after death as a legacy feature
But other games treat it the same as account trading/selling and ban it or block access
I see no issue unless they are trying to make it highly public, or company is digging into things to close accoutns when people die which i highly doubt.
Of course Intrepid could become insanely greedy and track all IP logins and immediately ban anyone whose acc has more than one IP login, but that would lose them way more money than some people just passing their character among their friends (who, in 99% of situations, already have their own acc).
Seriously doubt any IP Tracking. My desktop has seen 3 locations in 2 countries in last 5 months; add in laptops and VPN's ....... can't see it