Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Gathering & Crafting

Hello AoC Team
Just wanna say "WOW" on what i've seen in the dev streams realy nice work there.
for this topic i will focus on what i've heard in years end 2022 stream about the crafting where weapons might need a special gold instead of normal gold to be crafted and gain specific attributes.
i love that mechanic. here some thoughts of me for improofments or enlargments of that mechanic, may also contein thins that are allredy planed or worked on.
Recipe does give what it says garanteed 100% if the requirements are met, rigt mats and skilllevel of crafting. however one could also craft it with lesser materials or lerrer craftskill however then the succsessrate drops under 100% so it can fail in crafting. on the other side however if the materials and/or craftskill is higher theres a chance to get a proc for a better weapon. that meachnic besides the fixed mechanic that uses a diffrent type to gain diffrent attribute and apearance. so that a selecting bar apears on the crafting where the crafter can set the parameters for the weapon if only the needed items are used then it will craft what is set but if more or higher qualety materials are provided it has a chance of getting better by rng.
for special craft items maybe there is the need to have diffrent items from diffrent crafter needer to be provided. lich wor a weapon it needs a juwelry craftet item as well for the craft or a special ink for the engraveing which needs to be crafted by a other craft proffesion. that however for the rarer crafted gear items.
also maybe a mechanic where a special crafttable is needed to do the craft which is locaded in the treshure room at the end of a dungeon so. it needs a team for the dungeon all the mats are carried and so beating the dungeon while protecting against pvp robery as well a crafter to do the craft in the end.
so it is also risky to craft high end gear and needs a lot of gathering, crafting and risks. but then the reward is then so high.
to me it would fit well into the pvx nature of the game with its risk vs reward concept
Have a wonderfull day and hopeing to get some news about the alpha two testing in 2023 or 2024
Greetings Asraiel
Just wanna say "WOW" on what i've seen in the dev streams realy nice work there.
for this topic i will focus on what i've heard in years end 2022 stream about the crafting where weapons might need a special gold instead of normal gold to be crafted and gain specific attributes.
i love that mechanic. here some thoughts of me for improofments or enlargments of that mechanic, may also contein thins that are allredy planed or worked on.
Recipe does give what it says garanteed 100% if the requirements are met, rigt mats and skilllevel of crafting. however one could also craft it with lesser materials or lerrer craftskill however then the succsessrate drops under 100% so it can fail in crafting. on the other side however if the materials and/or craftskill is higher theres a chance to get a proc for a better weapon. that meachnic besides the fixed mechanic that uses a diffrent type to gain diffrent attribute and apearance. so that a selecting bar apears on the crafting where the crafter can set the parameters for the weapon if only the needed items are used then it will craft what is set but if more or higher qualety materials are provided it has a chance of getting better by rng.
for special craft items maybe there is the need to have diffrent items from diffrent crafter needer to be provided. lich wor a weapon it needs a juwelry craftet item as well for the craft or a special ink for the engraveing which needs to be crafted by a other craft proffesion. that however for the rarer crafted gear items.
also maybe a mechanic where a special crafttable is needed to do the craft which is locaded in the treshure room at the end of a dungeon so. it needs a team for the dungeon all the mats are carried and so beating the dungeon while protecting against pvp robery as well a crafter to do the craft in the end.
so it is also risky to craft high end gear and needs a lot of gathering, crafting and risks. but then the reward is then so high.
to me it would fit well into the pvx nature of the game with its risk vs reward concept
Have a wonderfull day and hopeing to get some news about the alpha two testing in 2023 or 2024
Greetings Asraiel
It is likely that the crafting system will become something very close to Star Wars Galaxies system, the best crafting system there is among all games for small scale production. To me, it is just disheartening that a crafter will be able to craft items with legendary quality, truly sad
I agree, unless those legendary items also require the legendariest of mats, like end-game/end of dungeon/raid boss drops for mats, in which case it makes more sense.But certainly not from your usual node mining type mats.
Hear me out, to me, when a crafter makes a high quality item, it should never be of legendary quality. The future owner should right click the item and add a legendary tracker to it.... things like:
So the item itself would have to be taken to adventures, then it would become legendary, then the player would choose which stats/slots the item would receive
Legendary items should belong to the game's lore, but when it's a crafted item then the player would have to make it legendary
Selling legendary items would make a fortune, dungeon runners would grind and make who sets of legendaries
No game has ever made this