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Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Friday, March 31, 2023 at 11am Pacific

VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
edited April 2023 in Announcements

Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

Our next livestream featuring a brief glimpse at the area of Carphin will be Friday, March 31, 2023 at 11am Pacific! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

Similar to our past streams, we'd love to gather some questions from you to answer live! Please submit your question for our development team in the thread below, and we'll select 10 of them at random to answer at the end of our livestream. In order to accommodate a variety of questions from our community, please only post ONE question below, and the more direct and succinct the better (think one to two sentences)! Submissions end Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 11am Pacific, so we can select your questions before the broadcast.

We'll see you soon for our development update livestream!

🩸 👀 We provided a glimpse of Carphin, new Story Arc Systems, and more in our March Development Update!


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    During the last AMA, there was a question about what the official list of professions are. I know there have been many new changes to the game and can't update us on everything however are there any new updates to the 64 class system or any kind of overhaul?
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    With map size nearly tripling in size, is there any plan to increase server population cap?
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    oneuproadoneuproad Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    Will raid bosses scale with the node level? (purely the level so it can still drop for max level people) i.e: Cyclops boss can spawn with level 3 node, and is lv20. Then with each node level it gains 10 levels. (Low level raid bosses usually become obsolete and wasted in basically every MMO).

    In some MMOs people had low level characters to farm relevant bosses with decent drop within the low level range for drop, even for high/max level players, honestly a stupid feature. Steven should know well what game I am talking about.
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    What is the closest that two freeholds will be able to be placed near each other?
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    LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited March 2023
    What is your stance in regards to focusing on delivering a minimum viable product vs continuously upgrading your tools and engine to deliver a better product with new tech - even if that results in delays or additional years of development? like UE5.2, UE5.3 etc
    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
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    There has been a large change in player sentiment over the last 6 months and many are wondering if it Intrepid should move from a monthly schedule to an every 2 or 3 month schedule to allow more complete information given and cut down filler. Has / Will you consider this change going forward?
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    How will the untrained serfs defend the castle my Lorde, if there are no crossbows?

    You haven't spoken about the summoner or the bard class that much? How will support roles work in the game in the sense of buffing the party or raid, whether it be offensive or defensive abilities, or the ability to weaken enemies?
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    ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    are there any updates on spot testing? as its been 8ish months since it was stated it would start in the next several months
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    Boanergese wrote: »
    How will the untrained serfs defend the castle my Lorde, if there are no crossbows?

    You haven't spoken about the summoner or the bard class that much? How will support roles work in the game in the sense of buffing the party or raid, whether it be offensive or defensive abilities, or the ability to weaken enemies?

    They will not answer your question if you post more than one question. These are good questions but You should delete the post and select one if you want a chance at an answer.
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    Is there a way in-game to make aliances
    Example: Im in a small guild that doesnt want to be involved into in-game politics, can you make an alliance or contract via in-game with Dominating Guild, sowe work for them so we have some kind of advantage trading or doing stuff in their territory or something like that?
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    DedoTuerto wrote: »
    Is there a way in-game to make aliances
    Example: Im in a small guild that doesnt want to be involved into in-game politics, can you make an alliance or contract via in-game with Dominating Guild, sowe work for them so we have some kind of advantage trading or doing stuff in their territory or something like that?

    Alliances are up to 4 total guilds.
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    in terms of character power and gearing, which differences can we expect between biome exclusive resources of the same type (ores, herbs, etc)?
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    LoKainLoKain Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    We've gotten a lot of lore and combat mechanics recently, I was wanting to know more about the religion feature of the game and if we can get an actual list of religions players can devote to.
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    FurFur Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    hi steven
    If I pick Cleric as my secondary archetype, and I affiliate myself with a dark religion, would this choice impact the effects of the cleric augments? For example turning them into life drains instead of heals, akin to some kind of vampire ability.
    Baron of Shadows
    Graveyard's Grin
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    Will players be able to change a forest biome into a grassland biome by continuously cutting down any trees in the area?
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited March 2023
    Would you be in favour of Rogues having a high cooldown CC that can work on green players, for the purpose of enhancing archetype uniqueness?

    (I dont like rogues in videogames. I main fighters)
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    GoalidGoalid Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Is Intrepid Studios looking into upgrading to Unreal Engine 5.2, and will Intrepid continually upgrade to the latest Unreal Engine version?

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    horendishorendis Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    Will any of the Seasonal or Racial Caravan Cosmetics be used by a city when caravans are sent to other nodes?
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    FantmxFantmx Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Does gaining crafting experience remove corruption?
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    Are there any passive skills in the crafting tree that allow you to drop less materials on death?
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    Fantmx wrote: »
    Does gaining crafting experience remove corruption?

    The devs wouldnt code something gamebreaking like that.
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    There are 8 races in Ashes, but only 4 divine gateways to enter the world. Will the starting gateways reflect an architectural style of one sub race, be a combination of both cultures, or something totally different?

    For instance, which human subrace does the Aelan empire capital city represent?
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    Ashes is going to be server based, but are there any plans for cross server competition (esports, Arena, battlegrounds) to see how good (your server) is compared to players from other servers?
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    Since Ashes will focus on traveling thru the land rather than teleporting. Will there be any sort of movement speed gear or consumables such as speed potions that can increase your movement for short period of time? (smth to help you escape a gank)
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    Aside from contesting open world resources or dungeons, are incentives being considered with flagging for PVP such as more xp gain, increased resource gathering yield, etc.
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    How will Intrepid handle players engaging in in-game fraud or anticompetitive practices? What will and won't be against the ToS?
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    I'm more interested in the religion gameplay as a Tulnar. I know there won't be any spoilers, especially since I'm looking forward to discovering it in game after release-but can we have some faith-based items such as ceremonial clothes, home decor (worship idols, prayer areas, wall murals, etc), armor insignias, hairstyles-so that I can deck out my house in the god I chose to worship in style and be able to invite people over and give them a 'what a freak' moment?
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    How relevant will cover/terrain layouts be on gameplay, and will environmental destruction interact with these cover mechanics? (things like using cover for protection and/or concealing your position, tactically clearing angles to reveal and surpise enemies, pushing enemies off cliffs, and blowing up objects to use as makeshift cover)
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    DrunkninjaDrunkninja Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Will there be any Bind On Pickup crafting materials?
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    How do you balance exploration of the world for new players and the feeling of exploring a new world while at the same time putting out monthly dev updates? Do you feel there is a risk of overexposing the game?
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