Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Controller support and UI
New here and dunno where to put suggestions so I am making basic post about what changes/additions I'd like to see in the game UI.
So first of all: I am not sure if yet if the game will support controllers and if it does then good, if not then please add controller support with full customizable button layout. I've recently played WoW alot with controller and simply cannot go back to the KB+M because how much better controller feels in MMO games.
This leads to the first suggestion:
- Add UI element that allows targeting party/raid with extra "cursor" that you can activate and move up, down, left and right with set buttons. That cursor hovers over/points/highlights the party/raid member it's currently targeting and casting any helpful spells would automatically go to that target while still maintaining the hostile target as a "hard/locked target". This would allow controller healing and it works well even with KB+M. It also help people with different disabilities. And getting that feature supported by the core game would be just awesome on the long run. I am not sure what is your take on the addons so I hope that the basic UI allows as much customization as possible out of the box. Example of the "cursor" can be found from ConsolePort addon for WoW. It's called "RaidCursor" and is amazing for healers/classes that have alot support abilities. It also makes healing really fun and encourages classes with support abilities to help in fights. If needed I can make video how it works.
- If the game does not support addons then please make alot visual and audio alerts for things like low HP/mana/power etc. And let us to change the unit frames (current one looks good but I'd never use that kind unit frames if I can change them). I got only 1 working eye so it's really hard to see anything in current UI. I normally always use just big % HP/Mana text etc. to see the info of what is happening during combat.
Here is a example of my UI in WoW (very WIP and first versio of the UI, lots have changed. It also shows the original RaidCursor above the party frames. I've changed it to simple "+" and moved it's position in my own UI)
- Please let us scale as much as we want every UI element and I mean every element: bars, texts, textures, buffs/debuffs, portraits, raid UI, Party UI, bags and so on. Again reasoning is that there are tons people with seeing problems and as a example WoW would not be playable for me if it had no addons. It's own UI is horrible because we cannot scale elements enough.
- Simplify some elements like Bag UI. There is no need for massive background and buttons like it has atm. Someone made pretty good example in UI suggestion post that happened month ago or so.
- Some extra ideas that would be awesome: Vertical bars support, Buff/Debuff (for all targets) grow direction and scale/position support with blacklist/whitelist feature, Sound alerts for many things happening in UI during combat, Way to change UI colors, fade UI to 0% when out of combat/no target etc. and lastly addon support since I've fallen in love with making my own UI with LUA code.
I am sure the game will be good even without any of these suggestions happening but I personally would not be able to play it. I've been designing UI elements for long time and have quite "hardcore" view of how I want things to look which do not please others. But most of all I want customization to be allowed and let people modify things because we all are different and many of us probably agree that the old school UI look is outdated for nowadays games. It's also not working for person with 1 eye and 3440x1400 monitor. My left eye have to move back and worth around the screen way too much with the basic UI design and that's why I like to see important info center of the screen.
New here and dunno where to put suggestions so I am making basic post about what changes/additions I'd like to see in the game UI.
So first of all: I am not sure if yet if the game will support controllers and if it does then good, if not then please add controller support with full customizable button layout. I've recently played WoW alot with controller and simply cannot go back to the KB+M because how much better controller feels in MMO games.
This leads to the first suggestion:
- Add UI element that allows targeting party/raid with extra "cursor" that you can activate and move up, down, left and right with set buttons. That cursor hovers over/points/highlights the party/raid member it's currently targeting and casting any helpful spells would automatically go to that target while still maintaining the hostile target as a "hard/locked target". This would allow controller healing and it works well even with KB+M. It also help people with different disabilities. And getting that feature supported by the core game would be just awesome on the long run. I am not sure what is your take on the addons so I hope that the basic UI allows as much customization as possible out of the box. Example of the "cursor" can be found from ConsolePort addon for WoW. It's called "RaidCursor" and is amazing for healers/classes that have alot support abilities. It also makes healing really fun and encourages classes with support abilities to help in fights. If needed I can make video how it works.
- If the game does not support addons then please make alot visual and audio alerts for things like low HP/mana/power etc. And let us to change the unit frames (current one looks good but I'd never use that kind unit frames if I can change them). I got only 1 working eye so it's really hard to see anything in current UI. I normally always use just big % HP/Mana text etc. to see the info of what is happening during combat.
Here is a example of my UI in WoW (very WIP and first versio of the UI, lots have changed. It also shows the original RaidCursor above the party frames. I've changed it to simple "+" and moved it's position in my own UI)
- Please let us scale as much as we want every UI element and I mean every element: bars, texts, textures, buffs/debuffs, portraits, raid UI, Party UI, bags and so on. Again reasoning is that there are tons people with seeing problems and as a example WoW would not be playable for me if it had no addons. It's own UI is horrible because we cannot scale elements enough.
- Simplify some elements like Bag UI. There is no need for massive background and buttons like it has atm. Someone made pretty good example in UI suggestion post that happened month ago or so.
- Some extra ideas that would be awesome: Vertical bars support, Buff/Debuff (for all targets) grow direction and scale/position support with blacklist/whitelist feature, Sound alerts for many things happening in UI during combat, Way to change UI colors, fade UI to 0% when out of combat/no target etc. and lastly addon support since I've fallen in love with making my own UI with LUA code.
I am sure the game will be good even without any of these suggestions happening but I personally would not be able to play it. I've been designing UI elements for long time and have quite "hardcore" view of how I want things to look which do not please others. But most of all I want customization to be allowed and let people modify things because we all are different and many of us probably agree that the old school UI look is outdated for nowadays games. It's also not working for person with 1 eye and 3440x1400 monitor. My left eye have to move back and worth around the screen way too much with the basic UI design and that's why I like to see important info center of the screen.
Very nice, I’m lazy and like playing lying down with a controller.