Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Crafting Discussion

When it comes to the crafting system in the game I really hope its way better than other games and brings in actual work kind of like everquest 2's crafting system where you have to push buttons and make sure the item is made properly or else the craft will fail and you will get some of your items back and no item or a item that doesn't work they really need to make it to where crafting makes us Want to craft. instead of just click a button and a couple seconds later its crafted make it more interactive pleaseee. lmk what everyone thinks of this idea?
I am a crafter in nearly every game I play, and I think the auto craft and ridiculous amounts of materials are the two things I dislike the most.
When players start to craft an item, have the game show them what the final product will look like if they opt out of the mini game, and then players can decide if they think they can do better - and if it is worth their time to play the mini game to do better.
This way, there is no need to spend hours repeating the same mini game over and over again if you dont want to, but if you are making something high value, you really want to play that mini game to make it just that little bit better.
Yeah I agree. Having the mini game only for crafts that can have a range of efficacy (e.g. potion healing 10-20% hp or Sword with damage from 27-39) instead of a minigame just to craft 10 nails is also preferred. And the minigame being only necessary for people who want to min-max, aka it increasing the bottom range mildly.
A minigame is fun and interesting only until it becomes rote and boring. I shouldn't spend more time doing the minigame than gathering the mats to craft something. But if I spent a week and thousands of gold to get the recipe and mats to craft a BiS weapon, I'd def want the option to do a minigame just to decrease the chances of a WiS stat line.
Think mini games should be an additional 10% potential power bonus too so u can mass craft thing just for levels although they be weaker than if u took time to do the mini game this is just for quick leveling purposes realy end game crafting you would wanna do the minigame
Why not try melding other types of gameplay? rhythm game, mouse accuracy/speed, puzzle solving, etc.
The reason I like the idea of trying stuff like this; is because it brings player skill into the crafting equation. Similar to how players can be great/bad at their combat classes, why not also allow players to be great/bad at their crafting professions?
I'd also like the end crafting to be expansive in it's END result. Star Wars Galaxies has perhaps the most complicated resource gathering, which is interesting, but not in any way engaging. Additionally, the end result of each product really is %good or %not as good. I want, and to quote Steven, 'meaningful choices'. I want to be able to commision unique weapons tailored to my playstyle. I want the meta to cater to creative whimsy, rather than the DPS gods. The 64 class combos will help, but it needs to be a core design philosophy that descends into the depths of Moria too.